Its been kind of dead around here lately

by Pathofthorns 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Pathofthorns

    The way I figure it, this is a rather small group, with really a handful of posters. Probably we've all talked ourselves out, reached our own conclusions by now.

    Personally, I'm so tired of everything at this point. I'm tired of looking at a million things a million different ways. I'm tired of dealing with people who can't even think. Its the same thing over and over and over.

    I can't figure if this is helping me or simply trapping me in an endless loop I can't get out of. And as much as I try to walk away, what I'm trying to leave behind still occupies much of my thoughts and concerns.

    I'm not sure if this makes any sense at all, but I feel like my car's stalled out on this journey. My mind just needs a rest.

    I still feel pretty good. I just have to keep moving forward somehow.


    PS. What do you do with all those suits and dresses? (not that I have any dresses) A whole damn closet full of them.

  • Kristen

    I hear ya Path. I've been "away" for those very reasons. Just wanted to say hi, will be in touch later.

    Keep the suits, they come in handy when you need to be GQ.


  • Pathofthorns


    That was all i needed from you. Thanks so much.


  • Dubby

    Hey Path,

    I understand completely. I post on sites like this because I can relate to others in the same boat. But, I've moved on. I don't worry about the WTS anymore, although I am somewhat concerned about others getting involved. Well, people make poor decisions. No one was there to tell me in my ignorance that I was probably making a mistake by becoming a witness. But then, do we need that? Or, should we make more informed choices.(speaking about those who had a choice, that is)

    I expect that your concerns about the WTS will fade after a while. I know now that the WTS is a poor excuse for "God's organization". It's bogus, some call it a cult, and it can be damaging to family and friends. The sooner you can find other positive activities to fill the void, the better. There is much the "world" has to offer. Things that I missed out on in my eleven years of bondage. I'm glad to be free from the WTS, and I'm glad I can make positive choices on my own without the borg's help. We all have the ability to do that.

    p.s. This reminds me, I think I'll scrap the handle "dubby" for my initials, T.R.

  • waiting

    Well, hey, TR,

    Never realized what "Dubby" stood for! Kinda cute if you ask me.......

    Nice to hear from you whatever you call yourself.


  • Dubby


    I'm not sure if "dubby" means a J dub, or just simply, a dummy. Whatever the case, I'm no longer a J dub, haven't been, really, for a few years.

  • Andyman

    Hey Path;

    Yes, I think that the more people get their problems out the less they have to discuss. Seems like a person can only say so much without getting into an area much like the society where all we do is run those who don't agree with us down.

    We all grow, and with growth comes new thinking, at least I hope that is the case!

    Actually I have been rather busy of late, and haven't really had much time to do any posting. I have several projects going that have to be done before the weather gets to cold, or starts snowing!

    I have pretty much cut off my posting over at H20, it's become too competitive for me right now, and don't get over to this board or the other ones I post on very much right now. That will probably change this winter when there isn't to much going on, so who knows!

    As for the suits and dresses, well my suits are still hanging in the closet, can't wear them any longer, for some reason they seem to have shrunk!

    As for feeling like your car is stalled, I have been there. It takes some time, but pretty soon you get the car going again. Sometimes it rolls backwards a little, but sooner or later it gets up steam and you charge ahead again.

    There is a lot of excess "baggage" that we carry after leaving the society, and they made sure that that "baggage" is extemly hard to lose! Years of programing telling us how miserable we will be if we leave is hard to lose. Just remember that time does heal all wounds, and we just have to get along as best we can till that time arrives.

    Take care.


  • AhHah


    I've only been posting on this forum for about a week, although my wife has monitored it for some time and has posted occasionally. I have read many of the threads, though, and I find them to be mostly supportive, kind, and seemingly genuine. This is certainly not true of all other JW forums. I believe that makes this a valuable resource for anyone who has/had any affiliation with JW's. I appreciate the time that many individuals (including yourself) have spent offering support to those who have been struggling, which I'm sure includes most of us.

    Although I am past most of the anger and the need to rant and grieve for myself (for all the needless personal sacrifices), I can certainly relate to feeling stalled or stuck, looking for motivation and enthusiasm. Apparently, this does take time and real effort to get past it.

    I was raised in the religion and was very conscientious. I was shocked when I finally realized how being raised in this cult had negatively affected so many aspects of my life -- and actually made me dysfunctional in some ways. As painful a realization as that was, it was the beginning of my life in many ways. I have slowly been able to let go of the many layers of guilt that had been layered on over a lifetime of indoctrination. I was even made to feel guilty if I read for pleasure and I hadn't yet read every new publication written by the WT society. They really had stolen my life and I am glad to reclaim it, finally.

    However, it hasn't been easy to allow myself to truly embrace the new opportunities that this freedom offers. I have often felt stuck. Fortunately, my wife and I found our freedom together, and this has made it much easier than facing all of this alone. Since this began for us with information found on JW forums, we are particularly grateful that they exist, and grateful to individuals such as yourself who care enough to speak up and reach out to others.

    I hope that I am now in a position to give something back. I am finally (after about a year and a half) beginning to find my motivation for the things that bring me fulfillment, though I still struggle at times. I believe that this forum can be an opportunity for individuals to also share large and small victories in reclaiming their lives -- to share the things that motivate them and bring personal fulfillment. Some will relate and some won't, but sharing positive experiences, I believe, is one of the most valuable and rewarding things we can do, especially for the one doing the sharing.

    My wife and I are looking for ways to meet other people with common interests. We both agree that we are not interested in attending other churches, as we do not believe that any are immune to the traps that we are so relieved to have escaped from. I am willing to discuss God and religion with people who may want to, but I have no desire to find self-worth, self-righteousness, or salvation through any religious group.

    I am very happy for this to be a personal journey, which I believe it must be to have real personal value. As devout and active a JW as I was, I don't believe that I understood the meaning of spirituality, since everything was distorted and twisted to become synonymous with loyalty to a human cult leadership, at the cost of literally everything else in my life. I now realize that what I once thought was a genuine, worldwide brotherhood based on love is in reality a worldwide group of victimized people who must be prepared to abandon anyone, at any time, who is said to have become disloyal to the ever-changing doctrine. This creates very dysfunctional relationships, as I can readily attest to, since my immediate family members who are JW's have abandoned me after learning why I am inactive. Of course, there are many fine, loving individuals in the religion, some of whom I miss.

    Let me say thanks again, as several of you have already responded kindly to my posts. I appreciate the wisdom reflected in many threads and the realistic way of looking back upon experiences as a JW. For those who joined as adults, it obviously seemed to be a way to fill a need at the time. For those of us victimized since infancy, it is often a very traumatic experience when cognitive dissonance finally demands that we pay attention to the grieving soul that lies buried somewhere deep inside of us. Many are living proof, however, that one can live through it and emerge with an opportunity to become a more complete and more fulfilled person, and yes, even a more spiritual person. Everyone deserves to find happiness, even if it means starting all over, right at the beginning -- with oneself.

    "No eternal reward will forgive us now for wasting the dawn." -- Jim Morrison

    Edited by - AhHah on 18 September 2000 3:41:33

    Edited by - AhHah on 18 September 2000 4:54:53

    Edited by - AhHah on 29 September 2000 14:37:13

  • Pathofthorns

    Thanks for sharing your experiences and such a nice post AhHah.

    I'm glad you can see the people here for what we are and have at least for me, captured how I feel these days.

    I felt such a weight on my shoulders my whole life, and now it feels so great to free. Not so much as in being free of my Christian obligations, but from the politics and the things that went so beyond the "light load" and "refreshment" I was promised.

    I appreciated your comments with regard to being happy with no so perfect things in life, such as work etc. I feel so good to be able to be alive, to not be looking for what's wrong in the world so as to prove just how "close" to the "end" we are.

    I'm enjoying the moment, being alive, doing the best with the cards I am dealt in life. The car might be somewhat stalled out on the journey right now, but hey, there's a cooler full of ice and beer in the trunk, and there's juice in the battery to keep the cd's spinning 'til the tow truck gets me moving again.


  • AhHah

    Your last comment reminded me of when I find myself giving my myself little pep talks now and then so that I keep all the JW crap I have had to deal with in some kind of perspective -- so that it doesn't loom so large in my consciousness.

    You also mentioned living in the present moment. That is one of the principles that are explained in the book I mentioned "You Can Be Happy No Matter What". It is very healthy.

    I wanted to mention that my wife printed a letter of disassociation some time ago for me to read. She said recently that she believes that it was yours. If it was, I just want to say that I was very impressed with it in every way. The content, research, tone -- everything so appropriate and so Christian. It reminded me very much of Ray Franz' books. It was every bit their equal -- and that is saying a lot. I don't know if you ever sent it. If you did, any humble person who read it would have to admire you for following your conscience at the very least, and should also be motivated to personally research many JW doctrines. If I would have written one, I would have tried to say many of the same things and in the same way. My wife said that it sounded like I wrote it. Is it possible that it was your letter? If not -- "Oh! Never miiiind."

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