EX JWs - What planted the seed in your mind?

by jstalin 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • garybuss

    I quit associating with the Witness people because of:
    The way I was treated and the way people important to me were treated by the Witness people.
    Error embraced, taught, and enforced by the Witness people.
    Unacceptable unethical standards of the Witness people.

  • confusedjw

    a Jeopardy question:

    What ancient jewish city was destroyed in 587b.c.e.?

    Answer of course was Jerusalem.

    I was outraged that they didn't know it was 607 and went to work to show them.

    Here I am.

  • Legolas

    I'm interested in finding out what planted the seed in your mind that got you started on questioning the Watchtower. What issue, event, or idea started you on the path to rejecting the Watchtower? And while we're at it, what event was the straw that broke the camel's back, that pushed you over the edge to finally quitting the organization?

    JS.....I was inactive for a year.....i wouldn't answer the door or the phone if it was the witnesses....I started smoking again and I didn't want to be disfellowshipped, so I just didn't talk to them thinking that I would 'get my life back in order' and go back....Well the end of May first of June an old witness friend called and left a message that said they found out some stuff that if they had know about it in the begining they never would have become a witness! Interested I called back (I was going to anyway) and went to visit them and they told me of the UN....which got me on the net and then I found out about the 607 vs 587 date.....so 1914 is a lie....and other stuff....so myself, husband and daughter disassociated ourselves in June, 2005.

    The person who told me is on this board...and I/we love them for freeing us from the 'BORG'!

    It is a cult and NOTHING BUT!!!!!!!

    Cheers and again nice to meet you!!!!

  • candidlynuts

    i was a life time jw. there was NOTHING anyone could tell me about the wtbs that would convince me it wasnt THE TRUTH..little things bugged me but i assumed they were my fault.. not having close friends, the shunning of a relative who was baptized at 8 yrs old and df'd at 18 for smoking.. now in his 50s..just seemed WRONG..but assumed my fault for trying to think outside the box..

    then the 95 generation change article was studied one sunday and i just had an epiphany..

    or.........well....i wanted to throw my watchtower down during the study and stomp on it and throw a hissy fit.. LIARS my entire life was based on LIES. my great granny and grandmas beliefs as a jw were now wrong? wtf? but ok.. its just me again.. reading something into nothing and being discontent.. independent thinking..bad bad girl.. cut that out.. get more time in! get that lesson studied! go go go go....

    then my life fell apart and the helpful advice from elders the one time they did talk to me was " study more for the meetings and get some time in".. um hello? i was abused by my husband and threatened with death if i didnt leave my kids in his custody, he lets me live in the old house and bugs me for sex all the time and throws me against walls if i say no... (sure candy, we believe THAT of superdub ex!) i'm living without heat and food..how about some REAL help?

    that was the beginning of the end.. no apostates would ever have gotten to me.. i was that SURE of the truth. apostates are minions of satan out to steal you from salvation! just tune them out, ignore the picket signs pretend they dont exsist... easy to do for years and years..first contact with apostates were long after i stopped going to meetings and it was online not in r/l.

    lifes not much better now but at least i'm not kicking my own ass thinking i'm NOT DOING ENOUGH for the wtbs.and some of you apostates are pretty damn compassionate and smart!

  • FlyingHighNow

    Bad treatment from the cong. Doubts about certain WT teachings. Then getting the internet and looking for the official WTBTS site and getting a page full of links to "apostate" sites. I couldn't resist. I had to know. I read one site that gave experiences of Ray Franz and others who had been pushed out.

  • d

    The lies and the manipulation of fear as a tool of control.

  • DesirousOfChange

    Evidence that appointment of Elders [and others] are NOT Spirit Directed. That was obviously (WT buzz word) proved untrue when I witnessed an adulterer and embezzler not only appointed as Elders, but also continually advanced to DA & DC positions of responsibility. The scales fell off.

    Then I realized if the Elders were not appointed by Holy Spirit, what other things that are claimed to be directed by HS are equally ficticious? Bethel Dept head appointments? GB appointments? GB decisions? Doctrinal decisions?

    It all came crashing down!


  • tootired2care

    For me it was the thought that Jehovah is preparing us now for the new system. In other words meetings, service, slavery blah blah blah. I figured If this is the way we're supposed to live for eternity, I must escape now while I still have a few good years in me. Before you say it's the just the WTS mis-interpretation of things...I can tell you without a doubt this is what the bible texts point to - eternal slavery under a celestial dictatorship, true freedom and free will - will never exist if you believe the bible.

  • LongHairGal


    I knew something was radically wrong when I agonized how I was going to make a "go" of it without being damaged by the religion or the people in it. So, I stayed on the "fringes" of the religion and had few friends. I wasn't going to be another stupid woman targeted by all the users. I wasn't having any of it.

    Fast forward to 1995: the generation change teaching shocked me and left me reeling. Then came the year 2000 and the internet told all. The rest is "fader" history.

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