Quotes story is on popular news website!!!!!!

by rebel8 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • rebel8

    Sorry for starting yet another "quotes" thread, but I thought this was cool/unusual news.

    I submitted it and they published it! www.fark.com

    Watchtower sues webmaster for $100k, claims quoting their literature causes them loss of reputation and embarrassment

    According to Fark, they get a lot of traffic:

    Today we average more than 1,600,000 impressions on weekdays and close to 50,000,000 impressions per month.
    muahahahahaha Oh, and they have a forum. At this time, they have 248 comments about this story!!!!!! http://forums.fark.com/cgi/fark/comments.pl?IDLink=1665064
  • DannyHaszard

    Good for you girl!

  • rebel8

    Here's a toast to WT embarassment at their pathetic action!

    (raises capuccino mug and chinks it with imaginary friend, because I am alone and it's too early in the a.m. to drink)

    (reminds self not to go on ego trip after being so satisfied with self)

  • vitty

    Actually Sky news in the UK asks if there are any interesting news stories you would like to discuss. This would be a good one, just E.mail them. I know this programme goes out over the whole of Europe maybe they would be interested. I cant contact them cos im fading.

  • hubert
    Sorry for starting yet another "quotes" thread, but I thought this was cool/unusual news.

    I think we should post it anytime someone finds out when and where this press release is being used.

    However, maybe a monitor could add this to the "New press release ready for quotes website battle" thread, just to keep it all together, so we can all monitor the progress of the press release easier.

    Thanks for telling us about this, Rebel8.


  • rebel8
    Sky news in the UK

    Good idea. Done.

    Hubert, I didn't use the press release. On Fark you can only submit a headline and a link.

  • AlmostAtheist

    Good job, Reb! They must like you more than me, I've tried to get it on Fark twice now. I'm just glad it finally got out there. Did you see the thread read count? 24,000+!

    Sweet.... I hope somebody from a mainstream news organization picks up the story. I can't understand why they haven't yet.


  • lawrence


    This is just great! The "FDS" thought they were above any recourse, and suddenly ("as if in one hour") the tides have changed. Now all shall see these Anti Christs for who they truly are. Hooray! This is great!

  • AlmostAtheist

    There were several comments on Fark to the effect that this is not really happening, it's just a hoax. I just posted the following in regard to that:

    Just to dispel any rumors that this lawsuit is a story and is not really happening, I just called the Watch Tower's legal representative in the case, Jonathan Colombo with Bereskin & Parr (416-364-7311). While Mr. Colombo wouldn't talk about the case, he did confirm that the case is real and that he represents the Watch Tower in it.

    So despite the "F. Youssef" bit (which I found cosmically ironic), it is a real case. Don't believe me? Call them youssef!


    F. Youssef was listed in the legal document as the "local registrar", which caused some to think it was a joke. It ain't.


  • rebel8
    They must like you more than me, I've tried to get it on Fark twice now. I'm just glad it finally got out there. Did you see the thread read count? 24,000+!

    Probably they got sick of getting the submissions and just posted it. Kinda like the people who all try really hard to get a sticky jar open and then a kid comes by and opens it easily. The others had all loosened it.

    Thanks for posting that about your call to WTS. That is cool they verified the story.

    24,000 views!!! This is fun!!! I Fark.com!

    Now I hope sky news in Europe will pick it up. I already sent it to the NY Times too. Hopefully yourself Youssef is looking like this right about now:

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