Anointed Sealed...

by zeroday 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • zeroday

    It has been over 70 years since the anointed number has been sealed. Assuming those anointed were of reasoning age when the number was sealed and the Great Crowd came into play, how long will the FDS stick to this reasoning that the anointed still exist. Or will there be "New Light" as in the 1914 understanding. It seems to me this is the last wall they can hit without going over it.

  • Honesty

    My ex SIL started 'partaking' last year at the age of 38. I have heard that many of da bruuthas don't believe she has the Holy Spirit, though because she is too young.

  • Es

    dont know bout you, but ive noticed the bro\sis that i knew of that partook and still partake are the ones that have a few mental and emotional problems. I know its not for us to judge but i would find it hard to believe such ones are annointed


  • Dune

    Why hasnt anyone really investigate/(instigated, lol) the fact that the anointed numbers have been fluctuating for the past 20 years. I've been following it since i was 13. Always the first to get the yearbooks.

  • doofdaddy

    I agree with ES.

    All the claimed anointed I met were nutters esp the young ones. Actually one was in my thoughts when I woke this morning!

    He was an obsessive/compulsive who was striving for perfection. Died young from cancer...

  • Honesty
    All the claimed anointed I met were nutters esp the young ones.

    How long have you been acquainted with my ex SIL?

  • Cygnus

    *** re chap. 19 p. 115 Sealing the Israel of God ***

    What is this sealing, and who are these slaves of God? The sealing began at Pentecost 33 C.E. when the first Jewish Christians were anointed with holy spirit.


    re chap. 38 p. 277 Praise Jah for His Judgments! ***

    the time must come when all remaining ones on earth of the 144,000 will have been sealed individually as belonging to Jehovah. (2 Timothy 2:19) This will be when the Lamb’s wife will have fully prepared herself—the great majority of the 144,000 having already received their heavenly reward and those still on earth having been finally approved and sealed as faithful ones.


    At this point in Jehovah’s timetable, when the sealing of the 144,000 has reached completion, the angels release the four winds of the great tribulation.


    w73 12/1 p. 730 Jehovah Brings ‘Sealing’ of His Chosen Ones to a Close ***

    The sealing that the angel does is a final sealing, a determination of the permanence of the initial sealing, so that "all [spiritual] Israel" is saved, the complete number of the 144,000 making the calling and choosing of themselves sure. (Rom. 11:26; 2 Pet. 1:10) Nearly all of these, if not all, were already sealed many years ago with the initial sealing. While it is true that some, before the sealing is permanent, may prove unfaithful and so others have to be sealed, there is no general ingathering of disciples being initially sealed at this late date. If those spiritual Israelites are to prove themselves true to God’s purpose for them, it is unlikely that God would initially seal new ones of this body of heavenly heirs at the ‘last minute.’

    So, I think the teaching is those dead anointed have their reward, but the final sealing doesn't take place until the great tribulation or very shortly beforehand, at the marriage of the bride class (144000) and the groom (Jesus).

    Wild and wacky stuph...

  • Grace

    When Watchtower needed wiggle room out of this one, I remember reading a mag which said that younger anointed ones are "replacements" because of others who fell from God's grace.

    More spin on a flawed concept.

    Grace to you.

  • zeroday

    The society hit a wall with the "1914 and this generation" dogma. They dodged a big bullet but the society had "New Light". Sure the rank and file bite at it "hook line and sinker" but that's how they are programed. With out the remnant alive and well at the end of this system all of their end times predictions are null and void. Mark 13:20,

    "In fact, unless those days were cut short, no flesh would be saved; but on account of the chosen ones those days will be cut short."

  • Will Power
    Will Power

    When I hear of someone "partaking" I think its about time. The WT has the whole Holy spirit thing wrapped up around themselves.
    They deny, or don't acknowledge what the bible says about this "force" they claim as their own elite, unique, possession.

    Everyone has the potential to connect with their creator or idea of consciensousness sp.?

    Maybe the 'partakers" are more guilty of reading the bible alone - consider it a private affair and their bible trained conscience won't let them deny the sacrifice - for all who eat and drink....well you know the verse.

    could be?

    Will - of the to each his own class.

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