Quotes site: Bible Quotes????

by ithinkisee 25 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Faraon


    Alright ... I thought as much. I agree those scrips are pretty out there. For the record I don't have ANY problem with the scrips being there. I was just wondering if it was particularly a WT interpretation I was missing or if it was the bible in general. That's all.

    One of the things that JWs claim is that the bible is the word of god, and that Jehovah is a loving god. They base their wacked or cruel actions on the bible, so it must be shown that many parts of the bible have no place in our 2005 world. Fortunately mainline Protestants, Catholics, and most Jews accept that slavery and mysogeny, accepted or ordered by the bible, are just plain wrong, bible or not.

    Many people have only selectively been shown the "good" parts of the bible. IMO, it´s time the dark side of the force is shown.

    By the way, I saw a Woopy Goldberg special yesterday. She really tore up some Leviticus's verses.


  • free2beme

    Kind of sounds like it is more about taking it down then, "truth about the truth!"

  • bite me
    bite me

    I found an old thread when i was looking for "quotes from the bible" and came acros this link: http://quotes.watchtower.ca/bible_quotes.htm I tried linking to it, but for some reason it did not load? does anyone have ideas why? Is the section of the site gone?

  • Kenneson

    I know that the Watchtower Society brought a lawsuit against Quotes and managed to shut it down. But lots of people knew that was in the making and created mirror sites. There's one that I know that still has it.


  • bite me
    bite me

    Thanks! Thank God for mirrors. Why would the society bring suit to those who are trying to spread the truth? Isn't that what people are taught? I think I found that site before , but I does look different then the last time I saw it. Thanks for the post.

  • justhuman

    can't open the page

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