The 1914 Doctrine and The Threat of the Egibi Business Tablets

by VM44 349 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • scholar


    Perthaps with your scholarship you can now explain the meanings and significance of reign and kingship.

    scholar JW

  • Jeffro
    Perthaps with your scholarship you can now explain the meanings and significance of reign and kingship.

    Scholar, seeing as this is your pet subject, why don't you indicate from some authoritative source the difference between 'reign' and 'kingship'? (As if it matters because there was distinction in the Hebrew word used.)

  • scholar


    No problem. I can easily explain the difference between 'kingship' and 'reign' but do you discern a difference and if so can you explain it?

    scholar JW

  • Narkissos

    *insert schoolyard noise around*

  • DannyHaszard

    1914 IS the CENTRAL CORE DOCTRINE of the Jehovah's Witnesses/Watchtower their entire doctrinal superstructure rest squarely on this date,the "pivotal" year.

    I was born JW 1957 and i am an "expert witness" on the Jehovah's Witness,as late as 1988 the elder from the kingdom hall of Jehovah's Witnesses Rockland Massachusetts assigned to do the baptismal questions with by 16 y.o. brother REQUIRED that my baby bro know all the week for a year math stuff

    1914 is like the trinity is to christendom and mary is to catholics.Who will remain in the creed?Know this-a significant disproportionate non-white membership of JW's are the 'happy clappy' emotional output people,same as jonestown which was 80% non-whites.They are not evaluating the core doctrines,they go to the kingdom hall for good times.

    This is not my racist perspective it is the damn truth, i have a mixed family of my own.


    Never be 'politically correct' i will tell the truth and not be afraid!-Danny Haszard Bangor Maine

  • Jeffro
    No problem. I can easily explain the difference between 'kingship' and 'reign' but do you discern a difference and if so can you explain it?

    Scholar, don't try to misdirect the issue by attempting to turn the question back on me. I did not ask you to explain your opinion of the difference (which you haven't done, but claimed that you can). I requested that you "indicate from some authoritative source the difference between 'reign' and 'kingship'".

    Most dictionaries assign the same meaning to both 'reign' and 'kingship'. According to Roget's thesaurus, 'reign' primarily means 'rule' whereas 'kingship' primarily means 'sovereignty', 'domination', which difference works even less in the Society's favour as its interpretation would tend to play down the 'dominance' of Jehoiakim's position. But the real clincher is the fact that the Hebrew word used does not allow for anything other than the general meaning of 'reign'.

  • scholar


  • scholar


    The NWT is a intellectually challenging translation and it is a literal work as well so Why do think that if it is the case as you claim that the Hebrew word 'malkut' does not mean 'kingship' but only 'reign' then Why have those scholars done the unthikable? You are a 'know it all' so have not you bothered to check this matter out and research it deeply? Is not there really a difference between the two English words 'reign' and 'kingship'?

    The reasons for the NWT commitee so doing are these:

    1. The meaning of 'malkut'

    2. The meanings of 'reign' and 'kingship'

    3. Context of Daniel

    4. History of Late Judean Period

    5. Josephus

    Now you have a lot of work to do in tying all of the pieces together and I look forward to assessing your work. Go boy go!

    scholar JW

  • Jeffro
    The NWT is a intellectually challenging translation and it is a literal work as well so Why do think that if it is the case as you claim that the Hebrew word 'malkut' does not mean 'kingship' but only 'reign' then Why have those scholars done the unthikable? You are a 'know it all' so have not you bothered to check this matter out and research it deeply? Is not there really a difference between the two English words 'reign' and 'kingship'?

    Why indeed would they change it? Gee... perhaps it would be because they wanted it to fit their interpretations better, which they have done (quite poorly) with their explanation of 'kingship' meaning 'vassalage'.

    1. The meaning of 'malkut'

    I think it was 'Alleymom' whose continued requests you have ignored for justifying how malkut can mean vassalage in any of the other uses in the Hebrew scriptures.

    2. The meanings of 'reign' and 'kingship'

    There is little difference between reign and kingship, and neither suggests vassalage, or implies such period beginning at some point other than at the start of such reign.

    3. Context of Daniel

    The context of Daniel agrees with the fact that booty was taken by Nebuchadnezzar from Jerusalem on his return to Babylon in 605BC

    4. History of Late Judean Period
    I'm not sure which history of the Late Judean Period that you imagine to support the Society's flawed chronology, but this is your problem, not mine.

    5. Josephus

    Josephus indicates that Jehoiakim's 8th year is Nebuchadnezzar's 4th in agreement with Daniel saying that Jehoiakim's third year fits with when Nebuchadnezzar was returning to Babylon in what would be his accession year.

    Now you have a lot of work to do in tying all of the pieces together and I look forward to assessing your work. Go boy go!

    You are an arrogant presumptuous fool.

  • scholar


    1. I have not said that malkut means vassalage, it means 'kingship'.

    2. There is a big difference between the meaning of 'reign' and 'kingship' supported by the fact that the latter word was chosen by the NWT Committee in the rendering of 'malkut' in Daniel.

    3. There is absolutely no evidence that Nebuchadnezzer took booty including captives from Jerusalem to Babylon in 605 BCE.

    4. The history of this late Judean history is well documented in the Bible and by Josephus and disproves your bogus chronology entirely. Josephus confirms the fact that the eigth year of Nebuchadnezzer equates with the 11 the of Jehoiakim which that year was the final year of Jehoiakims reign or the third year of his kingship.

    Your post indicates that you hate the things that you formerly believed and are a person who prefers the lie over the Truth.

    scholar JW

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