Calling all "apostates"

by alreadygone 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • alreadygone

    I checked out that link but I can't find what you are referring to. If you can tell me where that article can be found that would help to show they KNEW what they were doing.

  • loveis
    I mentioned that the mags are stilled charged for in other countries and her reply was well if the legal loophole is there, why shouldn't they use it?!!! I didn't realize I was raised by such unethical people...

    Alreadygone, this is not so. The same arrangement is now consistent worldwide (though it admittedly took 10 years for this to happen), as the 2001 Yearbook made clear:


    yb01 p. 18 Highlights of the Past Year ***

    Another factor in reaching more people with the good news has been the simplified literature distribution arrangement. Jehovah has blessed the faith shown by his servants in this matter. The voluntary donation arrangement is explained to people, but no charge is made for the literature. As of January 2000, that arrangement was extended to all lands where it was not already in operation.

    If you want to convince, it would be wise to make sure you truly have the facts.

  • skyman

    One of the things I do is I call the information desk of the Watchtower and with the other person on another phone (Thast woulde be you MOM) I ask the the Society if they did join as an NGO of the DPI. Then your mom can here it from the Society's mouth herself here is the Phone # *(845) 306-1100 This is the most effective way to make your mom believe.

    I have personnally done this many times and several people are now EX_MEMBERS

  • avishai

    They'll say why they quit, they have like, three different conflicting reasons. But show your mom the date of the guardian article. Tehn show her the date of their withdrawl. It's the day after the article came out!!

    Just like they changed their policy on reporting within a couple days after the dateline special on child molesting. Pathetic.

    I think that this is important to point out because it shows WHY they quit. Not for any noble reason, but because they were caught w/ their pants down.

  • alreadygone


    I agree. I will need to get my hands on the guardian article. I think it will be extremely important to her the timeline as to when they withdrew. She hates being lied to.

  • alreadygone

    Thanks skyman that is an excellent suggestion.

  • alreadygone

    Loveis, Thanks I didn't realize they changed that. Apparently she didn't either though...

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