WT Against Higher Education...Again

by Jeannine 40 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Cognitive_Dissident

    environment--bad behavior--drug and alcohol abuse, immorality, cheating, hazing...(p 28)

    ahh yes, because as we all know, these things only take place on university campuses, and 24 hours a day. This is just another example of the fundamentally cynical view the WTS has of an individual's ability to make good decisions, i.e., that he has none. And that is even secondary to what I feel is one of the REAL reasons they don't want the youth going to college - they will pick up the nasty habit of critical thinking, and will be bombarded from all sides with insidious peer pressure to put ideas in to historical and social context.


  • DaCheech

    Instead of the WT studying what really goes on in College.... They watch TV, and think that "Revenge of the nerds" is real!

    Or maybe "Animal House"?

  • mjarka911

    These parents are just screwing themselves. Because they expected the nre system to be here before they retired, they are ill prepared for life with little income and health problems. Normally, one might be able to fall back on being taken care of by kids with good careers, but since they discourage college - the kids can barely provide for themselves and their own families. I love the reasoning that my father used when I started a prepaid state tuition program for my newborn son: "Look at so many college educated people who are out of work!" - As if the non-college educated people are swimming with good paying jobs.

  • DaCheech
    "Look at so many college educated people who are out of work!"

    True, but look at myself: Since I did not go to college due to congregation policy, my exployment opportunities are limited!

    I have probably been unemployed only 4 months in my whole life, but I regret the college decision! I hate the WT for this!!!!!!

  • Jeannine

    Dawn: I liked your "revenge" story. Living better is always the best revenge.

    My brain hurts as I try to absorb the JW reasoning for not getting a college education. I have tried, and failed, to get their point. What I can't understand is that I have known some JWs that were actually intelligent people. How does an intelligent person accept such flawed reasoning? I have some neighbors that are JWs, but the poor things are about as smart as the rocks in my garden. My neighbors are nice people, just very mentally challenged. So, I can understand how my neighbors accept the JW line. But, there are many intelligent JWs that seem so out of place in an organization that reasons on such an elementary level. I don't get it.

  • Euphemism
    Dawn wrote:
    She's proud of him and she believes kids should get an education or they can't make a living - she's one of the minority of JW's that feel that way.

    At least in the US, I'm not really sure it's a minority. Most of the dubs I knew were quite favorable towards the loosening on college in the 90's, and will probably be disappointed to see it being rolled back.

  • alias

    Full-circle college-demonizing article for sure. Any "good standing" JW will come away with more inner conflict on what they should do:

    Full Time Service? (Good)

    Go to College (Watch Out! Snares, Temptations and Traps!)

    What you'll never read in these articles is the realistic aspects of higher education:

    • College/degree fulfilling career does not equal materialism.

    • REAL percentage of FT Pioneers who actually stick with it while earning enough in their usually menial jobs to pay their bills and not rely on others.

    • College/degree often equals higher wages so publishers can work one decent job instead of 2 or 3 PT no/benefit jobs.

    • College/degree often allows person a career field choice they are interested/find fulfillment in.

    • Benefits of taking classes, learning to deal with others.

    • College/degree professionals are often sought-after for Bethel priveleges.

    WT: Full-time Service is the BEST thing you can do with your life! But you're on your own managing your finances and insurance to do so. And should you fall into hard times because of your choice to further our organization, you're on your own too!

  • Forscher

    I thought it amusing that most of the Dub students in the local college returned for the new school year! Watch out WTBTS!!


  • Blueblades

    And yet they themselves resort to those in the higher education fields when they need something done for themselves. Whether it is medical aid , legal aid, real estate, and etc. They also bring to Bethel around the world those who have higher education qualifications in different fields of endeavors that they can use to promote their publishing company.


  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    The being pro-college is one of the things that has me in the 'spiritually weakling' list.

    I have a college education and this has helped me tremendously. I'm very voiceful about encouraging parents to save up for their children's future college education, and for them to encourage their children to at least attend 2 years at their community college.

    This above-mentioned activity sure has gotten me in the 'border-line apostate' list.


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