Why do the leave without telling us ..............?

by vitty 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • vitty

    Do you worry when posters go missing?

    On minute there posting everyday the next nothing. I was thinking of Jez, but there are many more

    So to everybody, If your going to take a break let us know, you will be missed.

  • under74

    Serious? ......people will miss me?

  • caballoSentado

    I don't post much.... but I read the forum dayly

    Caballo Sentado

  • ButtLight

    Awww, did ya miss me?

  • xjwms

    I don't think you would miss me.

  • Billygoat

    I wish I could take a break from this board, but it's so frickin' addictive.

    When I've taken breaks, it's just because I needed them and didn't think people would really miss me that much. I'm only one of several thousands of people here. I always think the whole, "Good-bye I'm leaving for a week" thread, is a little too attention seeking, but that's just me.

  • Big Dog
    Big Dog

    I think people refrain sometimes from posting either "taking a break" or "leaving" threads so as not to appear to be attention seekers.

  • MidwichCuckoo

    Now you mention it - is 'Frankiespeakin' taking a break?

  • vitty

    Under 74, yeah ppl would miss you. It might take a while LOL.

    A two week break is nothing, but maybe after a month of not posting I think the majority here would be missed.

    I sometimes wonder if ppl even know me, never mind miss me,

    Its when it happens suddenly, I worry. They could have had an accident or become ill and no one would know.

    xjms I think if you have an avatar it help ppl "spot" you when you post

    If i went missing it would be "wheres the old queen gone" LOL

  • Eyebrow2

    Billy I would miss your posts.

    I find the "I am taking a break" posts a bit attention seeking too...but I think it really depends on the reason. If someone is off to some adventure, or thing they have to take care of (say vacation, operation, whatever) then it doesn't bug me. But the ones that just "need a break from the board" (substituted for rolling eyeball emoticon) oh brother....I dunno...sort of drama queen.

    Here is my take on it...if you need a break, why don't you just pm a few people on the board that your normally keep in touch with. That way if someone asks about you, someone can say hey...so and so is okay, just taking a break or is busy or whatever. Really, if this board is so important to someone that they MUST put up a new thread just to say they won't be on the board for a while, you probably should have a few email addresses of people here anyway, don't you think?

    There are other reasons people may stop posting here as well, that are not generally known. That's why it is always a good idea to get emails from the posters you normally PM, so you can let them know if you want. I wouldn't say anything else about that.

    Just me 2 cents.

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