Elders: Do as I tell you, whether I'm right or wrong

by KAYTEE 13 Replies latest jw experiences

  • crazyblondeb

    Sounds like a Ron Bauer statement. (elder) I used to use that line on my teenager. Didn't work very well, then. They feel like they are "untouchable". Either way you look at it, no one accepts any responsiblity. Their personal opinion is law, no matter what. Makes me puke! "How high should I jump?"


  • LongHairGal

    This used to make me crazy with anger. Over the years I could see they were elevating themselves higher and higher - to an almost god-like status.

  • hamsterbait

    I am amazed that an anti-apostasy BORG tells people to do this!!

    Read the early church histories. The record shows that the early heretics used the same arguments to induce people to follow them... "I AM AN ELDER SO DO WHAT YOU ARE TOLD"

    Read the year books, all those accounts of how elders mislead whole congregations to follow them. Why? Because in those countries, (ie Japan) conformity is inbred.

    Those who miss meetings are not really the danger according to thes accounts, it is the pillars in the congregations (as St Paul called them).

    These men think because they have authority, THEY ARE AUTHORITY, as with all weak minded ones, authority corrupts, absolute authority corrupts absolutely. MY GOD have we not seen this as the history of the WTS unfolded.

    HB (of the "my cheek pouches, right or left" class)

  • hamsterbait

    This is also the sort of thing that happens - for example after a second world war.

    "I was only following orders," never seemed to save anyone - read the Bible. What happened to those who refused to join in exterminating the Benjaminites?


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