This is the first time in years....

by lola28 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • lola28

    This will be the first time I will be missing the convention. I don't know why but it just makes me feel so sad and empty. I miss so many people however I am so hurt because I realize that they don't care about me only about numbers. God I feel like crying.

    Sorry, just needed to vent.


  • avishai


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    (((Lola))) This too will pass.

    When something has been such a huge part of our lives is gone we will go through a certain amount of mourning. Not only for the friends and sometimes family but maybe even more srtongly for all the broken promises and dreams. We were taught so strongly that the end was just around the corner. And now we know we were duped. That has to cause a bit of sadness and the awareness of the loss of our dream.

    Then we get to find or create our own dreams and find ways to make them come true without the pipedreams taking over

  • joelbear

    call a friend and do something special with them.


  • lola28

    Thank you for all the hugs you guys. I don't know what is going on maybe its watching the news and seeing how bad things are that has made me feel so alone and really sad to the point that I could break down in tears.

    I can not remember the last time I felt so sad, lost and confused all at the same same time. My heart aches.


  • jwfacts

    It's a bumpy ride. I thought I was happily moving on with my life now. A couple of weeks ago I missed my first convention ever. The Saturday I was absolutely on top of the world about it and then Sunday I was very down. Same thing, felt sad about missing friends and not knowing how long it will take to make a new circle of close friends at my age.

  • kittyeatzjdubs

    poor lola (((((((((hugz)))))))

    i felt sorta empty too when i missed my first convention. think of all the things that you used to wish you could do while you were sitting in those god awful chairs listening to some ol' fart ramble on and on....and go do it!!! take your friends or hubby and have yourself a good old time. the mid-south fairgrounds are right next to the colliseum where they would have the conventions. the fair always seemed to be going when i had to be stuck in that dumb building.

    luv, jojo

  • lola28

    Well the convention starts tomm. and a few minutes ago a"friend" called me at work. This is someone that I considered a very good friend yet she has not called me in months the last time I called her she did not return my call but now its convention time and she decideds to call me now? Where the hell was she all this time when I really needed some one to talk to?

    Next time I'm going to have my boss answer the phone and tell them that I'm not allowed to take private calls due to the fact that I'm working.Why do they do this? They ignore you and then suddenly call you for SADs and conventions?What about the rest of the time????


  • tetrapod.sapien


    sorry. it will get better.


  • ballistic

    (lola) some of the worst memories I have was trying to attend a convention on my own. Surrounded by thousands of people but shunned. So lonley.

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