Scandal: Local Witness Is Traffic Warden!

by ballistic 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • ballistic

    I can't believe this guy goes round slapping parking tickets on people's cars by day and slapping "you can live forever" leaflets through people's doors at the weekend.

    It would be funny if he got mixed up one day and started booking people with messages of a paradise earth.

    Well, I guess jesus loved tax collectors too.

  • Ellie

    Wow, what a scandal, tell me Ballistic, do you live in a small town?

  • cypher50

    What is scandalous or even slightly wrong with a JW being a traffic warden?

  • ballistic

    It's quite a large town, although it's quite feasable he could give bros + sis parking tickets as well as call on someone he's just booked.

    As a side point, can anyone else see my post above having the text highlighted in yellow? This has occured since changing the colour of "background" in Internet Explorer options, and I'm not actually highlighting anything.

  • ballistic

    Cypher... The English love to hate traffic wardens, and it's only meant to be a tongue in cheek post.

  • The Chuckler
    The Chuckler

    Strange jobs of JWs

    My father, a long time elder, worked for 20 years as an insurance salesman. I could never reconcile that.

    A day job selling life insurance and pension plans, but at the weekend preaching the fall of the political system and impending Armageddon.

    Perhaps, he should have sold Armageddon Insurance.

  • PaulJ

    Traffic warden and a Jehovahs Witness? Not going to win any popularity contests is he??

  • blondie

    It would be scandalous if he left a tract with the parking ticket.

  • kwintestal

    What I think is a scandal, is he had an unfair advantage when he applied for the job, because of all the practice he got directing traffic at assemblies.


  • ballistic
    because of all the practice he got directing traffic at assemblies.

    LOL - yeah I used to do that - have some photos I posted on here once.

    "traffic wardens" in the uk don't direct traffic though. That's the traffic police. Traffic wardens here just give tickets for parking. And although I've been stopped by traffic police many times, I've never got any points on my license.

    Traffic wardens, however, I've had a few run-ins. They hate bikers.

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