Does anytone 'wince' when they hear people talking about God/Jesus etc?

by PaulJ 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • LittleToe

    Let me get this right - you went to a place of worship and are now complaining that you heard someone talk about God?



  • mjarka911

    You mean cause it's all bullshit make believe?

  • Billygoat
    Let me get this right - you went to a place of worship and are now complaining that you heard someone talk about God?



    LOL! That was my thought. I'm never going to push my beliefs on you, but come on...this is common sense. If you don't like hearing about God or Jesus, why on earth are you going to church? I'm sorry...I don't mean to be insensitive. It just seems funny to me!

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    In reference to the subject of religion when first getting OUT, I would have to say that I felt the exact same things when I first came out of the JW's. I hated preaching, anything remotely resembling a religion, made me shiver, as well it should have. After twenty years out, I began to examine that aspect of my nature, the spiritual one, and began to realize that it *is* a personal thing, and that that part of me could not be ignored, just as for those others dealing with these questions, or not. Each person has their own journey to spirituality, but the nature to find answers is within us all. For me, the New Testament basically said it all. I didn't NEED "elders" or others to direct my spiritual journey. I just needed a few kind words of wisdom, and my relationship with God was personal.

    Some people have settled on atheism, and that is their choice. Some have settled on atheism with some kind of alternate nature component, and that is good, too. However, I think we can all agree that humans are plagued by the questions why, what, when, where, how, and who. Really. it's common to all of us. How we deal with it is the thing that makes us most comfortable is our choice, and should be respected by others. When you begin to stifle others' opinions in the spirit of "political correctness" you are stifling those same rights that you wish to be entitled to: freedom of choice, religion, belief, and the freedom to express those beliefs.

    Sure, it may make you wince. It makes me wince when the Klu Klux Klan marches, but I don't want to stifle their rights to express their beliefs, because that stifling may one day be turned against me! The more we single out groups to STIFLE, the more stifled we all become.

    I prefer to believe in God/Jesus and be a Christian. I don't profess to say that the Bible is the last word on anything. I remember that the Bible was written by imperfect humans, who might have been as "inspired" as some of the fanatic Christian "nuts" like David Koresh that we see in our modern day. The fact that the Catholic Church decided to cannonize the writings of some nut is not my problem. I prefer to live by the teachings of Jesus of tolerance, love, kindness, compassion and forgiveness. Well.. most of the time. I'm human so I am not perfect.

    I also thoroughly believe that a lot of religions preach that you have to be one of THEM to be considered a good person. Not so, I think. Lots of religions preach that one just needs to exercise the Golden Rule, and that about covers all of it. DO UNTO OTHERS AS YOU WOULD HAVE THEM DO UNTO YOU. That's all. It's personal.. sure. I think all the religions basically preach that same rule, and even all of the ones that are not religious KNOW that. So what's the problem? That's not a hard requirement of anybody: be honest; be caring; be optimistic and helpful. All the things you would wish that someone would treat you like, treat them the same way. Those are the basic virtues extolled in the New Testament by Jesus.. and Mohammed... and Buddha... and all the great religions of the world. All the other stuff is trivial crap. Be respectful of life.. and just love. That's it. Easy to say, harder to do.

    The tendency to convert for some Christian religions is inborn, so they actively seek new members. That is uncomfortable for those of us that DON'T do that, but still try to live a religious life. Our relationship with our spiritual side is personal... and should remain so unless someone actively seeks to ask about it. We can live our best lives by walking the walk.

    For those that are atheists, I believe that they don't NEED a religion or a GOD to make them be the good people they were born to be. They have approached their own nature, examined and analyzed, and felt that this belief was the one that they most agreed with. However, that does not preclude them from being good people, just because they are not a religon, they don't believe in God, or believe in UFO's.. or whatever. Every one of us is valuable to this place we call Earth. We are all rivers leading to the same ocean...

    Country Girl

  • talesin


    In re-reading the comments, I took it to mean that folks were talking about feeling uncomfortable while attending a church service (weddings, Xmas). They also seem to be sincerely trying to figure out why.

    To answer the question, I used to wince. Joining here has really helped, as I have met some folks who really 'practice what they preach' .... I don't usually name names, but will say Bebu and jgnat and jaffacake are good examples of this. It's easy to learn from these folks that not all religious people try to ram their beliefs down others' throats, and I am quite happy to have learned that lesson from them and others.

    So, I'm not 'wincing' anymore. If a fundy of any denomination is being preachy, I shut them off (blah, blah, blah), but if someone is talking about God/Jesus in a reasonable fashion, I can now listen without feeling threatened.

    I don't think the 'essence' of Christianity includes condemning all others; it is not necessarily exclusionary. This is what the JWs preach, and a number of other faiths, but they are not the 'only Christians on the block', so to speak.


  • talesin


    Yah, what CG said.

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl


    You're one Hot Mamma on yer waaaay HOME!


  • LittleToe

    Sorry, I think I'm having a "thick as two short planks" day. Like this thread, I don't get your point.

  • ColdRedRain

    I chuckle.

  • Eyebrow2

    It depends on the context. If I am having a conversation about something political or something secular, and someone brings up Jesus/God I sometimes get a little uncomfortable, but I just try to digress.

    This is an interesting question. My son has a friend that he started limiting his time around last school year because he was a "Jesus Freak" - now, I don't mean to offend the Christians on the board here, but to me, and to my son, that is a person that is constantly talking about Jesus and the end of the world at very inapproprite times. My son had a few religions discussions with him, but ended up telling him that since it lead to arguing, he now considered religion a taboo subject with him, and asked him to respect. Well, the kid is very zealous, and would not, so my son just stopped hanging out with him. The kid asked Friday night why my son finds him so annoying...I lookded at him and said ,"because he has told you several times he won't discuss religion, but you keep bringing it up. Respect that and you won't have a problem."

    I hear peopole in restuarants and stores talking about Jesus/God here in doesnt bother me at all..unless they start to infringe on me, which with the exception of this kid has rarely happened.

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