Do You Know What It Means to Lose New Orleans? - Why they didn't leave

by GentlyFeral 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • luna2

    I'm not understanding how Sara Annie's comments have shown a lack of empathy for the people of New Orleans, Flying. The posts of her's that I've read have seemed reasonable and balanced. A critique of local and state government isn't an indictment of the people who are trying to cope with this horrible disaster.

    Local government always has first responsibility. In this instance they came up short in many, many ways. At the very least, their designated shelters should have been adequately provisioned....and no, it is unlikely that they could do this as the hurricane was only hours away. This is something that should have been planned for well in advance.

    The federal response was slow...or seemed so to all of us watching in horror. President Bush is a ...ugh, there are no words to adequately describe such a poor excuse for a leader. He doesn't even know how to appear presidential. Anybody but a fool would have known to cut his little vacation short in order to at least look like he gave a sh*t....but, New Orleans and Louisiana government also got caught with their pants down. This was a failure at all levels, not just federal.

    What this whole mess has emphasized to me is that we as individuals need to be prepared to see to our own survival as much as we can. I don't ever want to have to go to a government shelter after what I've seen in New Orleans.

    Maybe governement authorities should get some tips on disaster planning from Audubon Zoo officials, because those folks apparently had their ducks in order and were ready for this. The captive animals of New Orleans were in better hands than the people.

    GentlyFeral...interesting article. It did make some good points until it dissolved into an irrational puddle of whine and blame at the end.

  • FlyingHighNow

    We just need not to live in areas where there is no easy escape. I don't expect anyone to share my feelings, Gladiator, on the JWD comments I am bothered by. They are my feelings though and like everyone else on this forum, I am here to discuss and express feelings and opinons. If they offend you, then maybe a forum isn't the place for you.

    I feel the problem in NOLA comes from many areas and issues. I rather tire of people trying to blame this situation, of people being left behind, on their poverty. "Oh we can't feel too sorry for them because they are poor and when you're poor it's always your fault." That is not the opinion of everyone on this forum who has commented, but you can see this attitude in some of the posts.

    Did any of you watch Dateline last week? There are a significant number of people stranded in New Orleans who are tourists and of other economic levels, not just NOLA's impoverished citizens.

    Gladiator, I suggest you skip over my comments if they bother you.

    If they offend you, then maybe a forum isn't the place for you.

    FlyingHighNow ... I am in no way offended. I was sticking up for the people you are making judgements about.

    Convenient as it would be for you, if I were to skip over your comment, or leave the board as you suggest, I prefer to stay and speak my mind as you do.

    I am a gladiator. If you want me to get me out the arena you will have to prove your metal. I have heard your roar and it don't impress me much!

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff
    It does seem that their entire disaster plan in a nutshell was "1. Herd everyone into big places with absolutely no provisions or plan for caring for them. 2. Scream really loud for faster federal asisstance. 3. When someone suggests that you just migh be a little responsible for the present situation, put your fingers in your ears and scream louder. 4. When federal aid DOES arrive (and at about the time it would have if anyone else had been doing their job) just keep talking about how late it was."

    SA - Precisely spot on! I, as you do, have tremendous empathy for the individuals affected. The local governments should have had provisions in place for this inevitible disaster. Why not have at least gotten a few truckloads of water and food into the areas they knew the local victims would swarm? That should have been in the plans from the start, shouldn't it? If it looks like we could get hit, just sent in the stuff ahead of the storm. If nothing happens we just take it back out the next day.

    It seems to me that about any 14 year old could have headed up a committee and made that decision months before we ever heard of "Katrina".

    Sadly, common sense is not too common. And due to this failure to think ahead, people are dead. I can understand why less preparedness would show up in tornado or earthquake situations. There is not warning. But these New Orleans authorities had all the time in the world to at least lay in a few provisions.


  • upside/down

    On the one hand so many here say what a hell hole of poverty NO disadvantaged etc...

    Yet people...WANT to stay...even while it's flooded!

    If this isn't you're chance to get outta Dodge and start over...what is?

    They relocated over 1000 families to Denver...they seemed ELATED to be out and ready to start over.

    Here's to THEM!

    u/d(of the sometimes you gotta know when to fold them)

  • Billygoat


    On the one hand so many here say what a hell hole of poverty NO disadvantaged etc...

    Yet people...WANT to stay...even while it's flooded!

    If this isn't you're chance to get outta Dodge and start over...what is?

    I would imagine if anyone would understand the plight of these individuals, it would be exJWs. How many JWs do you know that probably have an inkling that there is something desperately wrong with the WTS. And yet they stay. Why? They know it's not God's earthly organization, or at the very least, they see major issues within. But they don't leave. Why? For a million reasons I'm sure.

    Because it's all they've known.

    Because they're fearful of what's "out there".

    Because it feels safer to stay in and be "comfortable" with the current surroundings.

    Because they have hope that a greater good will come out of staying.

    It could be one or all of the above. It's the same with some of the residents of NO. Some of these families go back 4 and 5 generations. Even in poverty, it's all they've known. Looking at it that way, do you necessarily blame them?

  • upside/down

    No... I don't "blame" them...

    But reality won't make exception for them either...

    At what point do they accept the reality that their "reality" is over...and it's time to start surviving and looking at your options.

    Actually...sadly....a lot of people with that mindset...will be ripe pickins for the Dubs...

    I hate to see that...


  • FlyingHighNow
    Convenient as it would be for you, if I were to skip over your comment, or leave the board as you suggest, I prefer to stay and speak my mind as you do.

    I am a gladiator. If you want me to get me out the arena you will have to prove your metal. I have heard your roar and it don't impress me much!

    I'm not here to impress you, Gladiator. I don't care if you read my posts. I don't care if you skip them. If they bother you, then be bothered. On the other hand don't expect me to change my opinion because you don't agree with it. I don't judge people. I read what they say in their posts. Their posts are right here for everyone to read. You get what you will from them. I get what I do from them. All you have to do is go back through certain people's post histories and you will find the posts I am commenting on. Meanwhile, I hope you get feathers all ironed out.

  • FlyingHighNow

    New Orleans was a beautiful city and her spirit remains so. For those left in her and for those who've become refugees, Nola was and will be again unique and wonderful. I have many happy childhood memories of southeast Louisiana and NOLA. Some who don't want to leave feel there is nowhere to go really. The whole ordeal is a horrible nightmare.

    Once you've lived in NOLA or south Louisiana, it gets under your skin and you'll never be the same. You will be richer for the experience. I hope in the end, that the humanity that took place during this disaster will eclipse the dark side of things.

  • Billygoat
    But reality won't make exception for them either...

    At what point do they accept the reality that their "reality" is over...and it's time to start surviving and looking at your options.

    Good's been slightly over a week since they got hit. Let the reality sink in. You know many of those people are asking, "Where will I go?" Be somewhere like Dallas and homeless, where NOTHING is familiar or be there and homeless where at least there is some familiarity?

    I'm just trying to be compassionate and let everyone move at their own pace.

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