ITHINKISEE Update: No more field service?

by ithinkisee 28 Replies latest members private

  • ithinkisee
    At times your story seems too good to be true: I just hope you don't end this saga by saying something like, "...and then I woke up; my sweet dream was over."

    I feel the same way sometimes. It is far from over. I mean - she has accepted that there are serious problems with JWs but she is continuing to research.

    She has accepted that I will not be leading the family spiritually

    For instance, she is still researching pretty heavy. There are always books out on her desk and there are always new sites bookmarked on her computer for research.

    I am in a weird spot, where I don't really want to push her too much - but I also don't want to completely slack in that regard - because I know research will continue and I don't want her to end up saying something like, "They have problems, but I can live with them."

    Make sense?

    Anyhow, it is mainly just a daily readjustment of course - based on what happens during the day.


  • sweet tee
    sweet tee


    sweet tee

  • 95stormfront
    She has accepted that I will not be leading the family spiritually

    Of course you are....just not to the WT organization or, as it looks like for now, any other religion.

    Why does spiritual leadership have to be defined in the context of being lead to a particular place, especially the WT organization.

  • Billygoat
    She has accepted that I will not be leading the family spiritually

    Of course you are....just not to the WT organization or, as it looks like for now, any other religion.

    Why does spiritual leadership have to be defined in the context of being lead to a particular place, especially the WT organization.

    This was/is exactly MY thought! BTW, ITIS, I enjoy your updates. I love hearing how devoted you are to TRUTH, the marriage, and to realizing her strength and intelligence as a woman. I think you're doing a great job.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    I too have been following your story.

    With your permission I would like to include it in the Best of ... continuing series.

    You might also want to consider how your wife will feel if she finds out you are posting all of this.

    Remarkable woman who has not lost the ability to think. Bravo for your family

  • ithinkisee
    She has accepted that I will not be leading the family spiritually

    Ooops ... I forgot to finish that statement. My bad.

    That should say:

    She has accepted that I will not be leading the family spiritually as far as being a JW goes.
  • Daunt

    I'm enjoying this story immensely ITHINKISEE. You're lucky to have a wife that's that wise.

  • misspeaches

    ITIS never discount your updates as minor.

    They give the rest of us hope that if things are handled in the right manner we too can maybe one day help our friends and family learn the truth about the troof.

    Personally when I read your updates I get excited reading the progress and it makes me confident that with the right tactics it is possible for me to do with my family.

  • ithinkisee
    You might also want to consider how your wife will feel if she finds out you are posting all of this.

    I've thought about that. I don't think I have posted anything I would regret. I am still anonymous to everyone but a handful of people on here who I have developed relationships with via PM and email.

    If my wife were ever to come on here (and even reads this post perhaps!) I really don't think there is anything to be ashamed of.

    As ex-JW wives have you seen anything in my posts that would cause you alarm?


  • ithinkisee
    Just don't tell them which congregation it will be. The Secretary of the new congregation writes to the former Secretary to send for the cards (or vice versa). It shouldn't be a problem, if you just give them no information. You could always tell them you will contact them when you know for sure. One of our friends told his congregation they were moving to a KH where his cousin was an elder (and he was the Secretary too). The cousin is sympathetic to him, so when his cards arrived, he gave them to him and he destroyed them. End of story. We thought that was great. The cousin is still an elder but trying hard to disengage.

    There are a couple of guys on this list (some still active elders/PO/SO/Sec) that have made standing offers to pose as my new "secretary". But they will give my previous secretary MY NEW MAILING ADDRESS. This way my cards and letter come to me.


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