I must be healing, I'm starting to accept bullsh*t again! :D

by GetBusyLiving 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • GetBusyLiving

    I bought a book that James Thomas (great poster, is MIA from the board though) called "The Power of Now". It's helping me get in touch with a spiritual side again, something I never thought was possible for me as an atheist. Anyways just thought I'd give a shout out for this great book. Some of you hardcore skeptics out there might dig it. Well probably not Terry, but its all good .


  • upside/down

    GBL- Stop reading silly books and BE STILL!!!

    Just kiddin....bro... So, where's JT been?

    I saw him get a little "hot" on one post...kinda outta character for him...then ***poof*** no more JT...

    u/d(of the has a hard time being "still" class)

    p.s.- you care sharing a point or two from the book?

  • GetBusyLiving

    James got pissed? He's usually so still and knowing. That's totally out of character, hell. Hope he's alright..

    I'll give a run down of the book when I get home from work.


  • trevor


    I have just got the book you mentioned from Amazon. It is by Eckhart Tolle. I have not started reading it yet but am told it id good. It is based on the same philosophy contained in Buddhism of Taoism.

    I have notice James Thomas has gone missing and said in another post that it will be a great loss to this board if he has decided to leave.

    I miss you James!

  • vitty

    That looks like an interesting book. Where did you get it from?

    Im really struggling with my spirtuality at the moment, but after spending 20 of my adult years in the borg what do I expect !

    I dont know what I believe or how I feel, comming out of the org leaves you feeling a bit numb, years and years of negativity. It would be nice to read something positive

  • chrissy

    yes, where is this mysterious james thomas so many speak of?

    PON has the airs of buddhism about it but Tolle does not affiliate himself with any religious or spiritual group, which i particularly appreciate. and i don't get the impression that he is just doing this as a sort of secret infiltration plan of buddism or new ageism onto the skeptical masses either, which may have crossed my mind initially.

    I liked the stuff about the ego always fearing death and therefore feeling the need to be constantly defending itself and how it takes so much of our energy and also, learning to be the watcher of our thinking brain, or observing our spontaneous thought patterns.

    in appearance, tolle reminds me of a friendly little hobbit.

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