Marshall Law in New Orleans!

by Bryan 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • Carol


    If you are able, check you PM's.

    Carol (of the been there done that and don't wanna do it again group)

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    >breathe in<
    >breahe out<

    Take it one step at a time.

    What about your jobs? Have you heard from your employers? Are there any provisions for this disaster?


  • bikerchic
    I vote for Bikerchick!

    And you and your family are in my thoughts Bryan. I hope it all turns out well for you, it's good to know you are all safe in Texas nothing can replace life but things can all be replaced. Take it from someone whos been there done that.

    Take care ya hear!


  • Bryan

    Thanks for all your well wishes and those who have pm'ed, I will get to you soon!

    We are of the very lucky. My wife's company, Bechtel Inc, told us to evacuate, so they are paying our expenses. She is working in the Houston office.

    Thank God!! The books were not delivered! We have financed this venture ourselves and are not doing a print-on-demand or anything. We are printing a handsome hardbournd book. If I had already received those, we would be devestated.

    So we are very lucky. And many thanks for the offers of help and support from all you. I have grown so close to all. It's so wonderful to have met so many who have gone through what I have. It really is a healing.

    Many Thanks,


    Have You Seen My Mother

  • FlyingHighNow

    Oh how fragile are we and the environment that we live in. This is worse than Betsy, by far.

  • Sunspot

    Dear Bryan & family,

    This has got to be extremely hard to deal with, and for such an extended period of time!!! My heart goes out to you----I have had MSNBC, FOX-NEWS, CNN and the Weather channel on since the onset of this. I just can't stop watching!

    Seeing the rescues of those being plucked off rooftops by helicopter, and those who are being rescued by boats with just the clothes on their indescribable.

    I am SO glad that you do have a place to stay and the usual "comforts" for you and yours, but I can appreciate how terribly unsettling and unnerving all of this must be.

    All I can do is again to send my love, hugs and best wishes that you will be able to deal with all this.......


  • jt stumbler
    jt stumbler

    My thoughts are with you Bryan.

  • talesin

    My aunt and her family lost everything in a housefire except the clothes they were wearing to the KH that nite. It is devastating. I am so glad that you have the knowledge that your precious books were not yet delivered. I understand how you feel about them. Here's hoping that you will be one of the lucky ones, and will come home to find that your possessions were not destroyed, but if not, it's okay to grieve the loss of the things that you treasured.

    You may still be in a bit of shock, and I'm so happy that Evelyne's company is providing the material essentials for you right now, when you need this support so much. I know that you three are all holding each other close, and that is what will get you through.



  • Dogpatch

    My heart goes with you Brian as well. I hope that the state emergency funds will help you get back and set up soon. Such an awful disaster.


  • Gerard

    So, how much money is the WT going to donate to the Red Cross? They make over $900 million per year! I'm sure they will see in their lovin' Christian hearts to help humans in despair.

    Oh I forgot..they are all sinners being punished by Jeehover and the WT money is best being used to protect and shelter pedophiles and flying select Bethelites into Alakan fishing lodges.


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