US & lack of historical perspective for JWs?

by rebel8 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • rebel8

    Hopefully I can explain what I'm talking about here.

    A few yrs after I left the JWs, I went to college and spent a semester abroad. The combo of studying world history, along with seeing historical stuff in person and exposure to new cultures really led me to realize even deeper how egocentric/ethnocentric the JW belief system is.

    By that, I mean:

    1. Everything centers around white Americans. The belief system, the HQ, literature, etc. As one poster points out, whites are in the minority worldwide, yet the entire GB is white.
    2. Beliefs center around modern-day JWs being the center of everything important, ignoring world history.

    The failure to put things into historical perspective, with an understanding of human/societal history, allows for people to think:

    1. There is one true religion.
    2. Christianity is automatically superior to other religions because it is based upon the Bible (which is superior because.........).
    3. The one true religion is in the country of the current "world power".
    4. Our culture is better than others.
    5. Society is different/special now.
    6. The end of the world will come in our lifetimes (ignoring the dozens of past groups who believed The End was imminent and they were the only ones to be saved).

    I wonder what the WTS would be like if they were based in the Middle East where Jesus lived? (assuming they were allowed to exist there)

    Just spouting off some philosophical thoughts for your Friday.

  • carla

    I just had this conversation with my jw!! How very myopic and American they are in their thinking! carla

  • ChrisVance

    Good post!

  • rebel8

    IMO it's hard to stand in front of an ancient building and think your culture is still the center of the universe.

  • katiekitten

    1. Everything centers around white Americans. The belief system, the HQ, literature, etc. As one poster points out, whites are in the minority worldwide, yet the entire GB is white.
    2. I totally agree. Even the vision of paradise is a very white western middle class manicured lawn style of paradise. If you go to other countries their vision of natural beauty is not nealty clipped lawns with borders, but wilder and untamed.

      Its all propoganda for middle class whites.
  • MidwichCuckoo
    Its all propoganda for middle class whites.

    Surely you're not suggesting there's more money to be made from the white middle classes?

    When Paradise is restored and the Earth's population is 80%-ish non-white, they will be ruled from Heaven by 143,990 whites!

  • M.J.

    You're so right. The JWs are so much a product of the USA's unique free-market, corporate approach to religion. I mean, these guys believe that some ancient prophet about 2500 years foretold an amendment to their corporate charter. Now how ego-centric and deluded is that?

  • tetrapod.sapien

    nice one rebel. so true what you say.

  • sir82

    You're so right. The JWs are so much a product of the USA's unique free-market, corporate approach to religion. I mean, these guys believe that some ancient prophet about 2500 years foretold an amendment to their corporate charter. Now how ego-centric and deluded is that?

    Assuming that the JW version of fulfillment of prophecy were true, I've always imagined the great disappointment the Apostle John must have felt upon his resurrection....

    Jesus: Welcome to heaven, John. Any questions before we begin our tour?

    John: Yes, yes, yes! I've always wondered, those fantastic visions I received right right before my death, bowls of wrath, exploding stars, hordes of locusts, rivers of blood, horrific beasts! I've been wondering, how was it fulfilled? What did it all mean?

    Jesus: Well, you see, there were these proclamations made by an obscure speaker in an obscure convention, in an obscure city in a state called "Ohio", around the 1920's. About 5000 people heard it, and 4999 of them forgot what it was the next day.

    John <Furrows brow, can't hide disappointment...> Oh.

  • stillajwexelder

    WASPS with penises - White Anglo-Saxon Protestant Males is the demination of JW ruling classes

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