They Came at me at work.......

by delilah 21 Replies latest jw experiences

  • delilah

    There is a "sister" and her daughter, that come to visit different ones at my place of business. They usually come about 3 times a month, to read a scripture or a paragraph from a magazine, to a couple of people. They then say hello to me, and leave after making their WT and AWAKE placements. This time, I was neck deep in my work, it was crazy, like all hell had broke lose. The daughter comes right over, makes small talk, then proceeds to go into her sermon about the magazines she was trying to place. She asked me if I'd seen the latest mags, (I hadn't, but told her my mom brings them to me, because she has been again) She finished her speach, then said "Oh, well, ok then ....have a good day". It was so strange, she's never tried to place the literature with me. I really felt kind of angry. I've known her for many years, and I felt like she was treating me like a fresh piece of territory. I did not want her to be "counting the time" on me....I've never reacted like this before, but it made me angry, that she thought she could "steal" time from my employer to preach to me....Has this ever happened to any of you?


  • ChrisVance

    The next time they come excuse yourself for a moment and go tell your boss that some Jehovah's Witnesses are keeping you from doing your work. Hopefully, he she will tell them to get lost.

  • Sheri

    This just happened to my friend who has not been to a meeting in two years. Sister showed up at her work place and began asking her to attend meetings and even asked if she would be interested in studying again to help her (she was raised in the truth and is 30+yrs) when she said she was not interested in studying then she heaped on the ends coming soon and she needs to take action. This really upset her because she also felt that this was done during the day so that this woman could count her time. Apparently too busy in the evenings to stop by to visit and take away from her person time. The mark of Love really is showing that if the time counts then you count.



  • Legolas
    The next time they come excuse yourself for a moment and go tell your boss that some Jehovah's Witnesses are keeping you from doing your work. Hopefully, he she will tell them to get lost.


  • lowly one
    lowly one


    If you do not have the authority to make the decision, then in the past i have, not in relation to the people of the Watchtower but other matters stated, "I am on my employers time" or "I am busy right now" because it appears that to the Watchtower people consent is implied.

  • misanthropic

    delilah - I can understand your frustrations with that. It almost makes me feel like they don’t respect that you’re busy doing your job. I hated it when I was with people in service that wanted to witness to people working. I never could understand that one, after all I remember the talks about how when we were at work we should make sure as to not rip our employer off with our time spent working.

  • delilah

    Thanks for all your replies ....I think I will say something to my boss, if it happens again..or perhaps even to the "sister" if she tries it again. I don't want to be nasty, but I have a job to do. If they want to "encourage" me, then they are welcome to do it on THEIR time, not count the time in service. THAT's what really pi$$ed me off.... . I remember also the talks we used to hear, on not bothering people when they were working, as it was stealing time from their boss...... they don't follow their own advice anymore I suppose.


  • Scully

    That's why a lot of businesses have NO SOLICITING signs on their doors. The second someone starts trying to "sell" anything to the employees, the employees have the right to ask them to leave the premises unless they have legitimate business there. Maybe your boss, if he/she was made aware of what a nuisance these people are distracting you and your co-workers when it's busy, would be willing to post a sign like that, and have a staff meeting to help everyone have some assertive things to say when JWs come Witnessing™.

  • damselfly

    My boss would flip her lid if JW's or anyone for that matter tried to come and preach to us. That is so inappropriate .


  • misspeaches

    That is so inappropriate. How dare they come to peoples places of work and peddle their literature like that. Its they hypocritical attitude behind this that annoys me the most. The preach from the platform about being a good employee & not stealing time from your boss but it is okay to do it to others.

    And also how very convienient that they can spend some time encouraging you while they are there. If they truly cared they would go out of their way to come to your home or ring you up to see how you are doing.

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