Conversation with a “Genius" JW

by Bloody Hotdogs! 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Bloody Hotdogs!
    Bloody Hotdogs!

    This is a real conversation I had with a JW friend last night.  Several times previously he claimed to be a certified genius, having supposedly passed the MENSA test…

    ME:  So what do you think about JWs condoning the idea that Dinosaurs could have lived with humans?

    FRIEND:  JWs never said that.

    ME:  Yes they did, you can look it up on your WT CD.

    FRIEND:  No

    ME:  Well, whatever, you should look it up.  What about life in general then…  how do you square the fact that it’s more then 3.5 billion years old with JW teachings?

    FRIEND:  Life has only been around for like 20,000 years.  So you believe in carbon dating?

    ME:  So, you don’t know what carbon dating is?  It has nothing to do with determining the age of fossil-bearing rocks.

    FRIEND:  Don’t just sh*t on me, dude.

    ME:  Ok ok.  I’m just interested how you square reality with your beliefs.  To me, if something doesn’t match reality, it’s probably not “The Truth”.  

    Like the science of Genetics…  What do you think about the JW idea that Noah and his wife were white and they gave birth to the first black man?

    FRIEND:  Pfffft!  What are you talking about?  

    ME:  Yeah, it’s an idea that’s been around a long time.  Just watch the new(ish) Noah video on - Ham is a black man, Noah is white.

    FRIEND:  No way that’s true.

    ME:  Right, we’re watching the video (got iPad and watched video).

    FRIEND:  Well, I think a lot of JWs don’t give adaptation within kind enough credit.

    ME:  I don’t know what that means.

    FRIEND:  Well, it’s just variation.  So-and-so is black and short, I’m white and tall.  Obviously it can happen.

    ME:  No, what JWs show in the video is genetically impossible.  If it were possible, we would have to re-write the entire science of Genetics.

    FRIEND:  Whatever.  You’re just sh*ting on me.

    ME:  Sorry, I’m just surprised that you don’t seem to have ever addressed any of these issues.  For me, they’re important.

    Like, the polar ice caps.  Are you familiar with ice layers?

    FRIEND:  What?

    ME:  Really?  Ice layers.  The glacial ice in Antarctica is made of annual layers.  At lake Vostok there are like 600,000 annual layers, complete with ash deposits from volcanoes that erupted at known historical times.  But guess what, there’s no Flood layer.

    FRIEND:  What?

    ME:  No Flood layer.  Would’t you expect Noah’s Flood to have left some kind of trace?  Volcanoes did.

    Actually, it’s worse than that, ice floats.  If the Flood was only 4000 years ago, the ice shouldn’t be any more than 4000 years old.  But it’s hundreds of thousand of years old!

    FRIEND:  Well, you’ve got me there.  I guess you just believe or you don’t.

    ME:  So, you just don’t really care?

    FRIEND:  No.  I believe.  Stop sh*ting on me.

    ME:  Ok ok….  I’ll stop with science then.  How about morality?  How do you justify the immoral things that your God does in the Bible?

    FRIEND:  Like what?

    ME:  Like when He struck David’s baby with sickness so that it took seven days to die…  all because David “disrespected” God.  How do you justify that?

    FRIEND:  If it's in the Bible, obviously it's OK.  I have no problem with it.

    ME:  OOOoooK

  • sir82
    That sounds like it went about exactly as you could expect.
  • rmt1

    "The new station included a modular design, to accommodate an increasing station population, and an adjustable elevation, in order to prevent the station from being buried in snow. In a location where about 20 centimetres (8 in) of snow accumulates every year without ever thawing,[7][8] the building's rounded corners and edges help reduce snow drifts."

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell
    This has been discussed on here before. There are some intelligent people that are JW's but when it comes to matter of "faith" they are complete idiots.
  • cappytan

    Let me guess, Bloody Hotdogs!, he was born a JW?

    Genius has nothing to do with knowledge, it has to do with intelligence. 

    I know plenty of intelligent individuals that have weird, irrational beliefs because of a fear of exploring beyond their comfort zone. 

    I had to have a psych evaluation about 15 years ago and scored over 145 on an actual, non-online, Stanford Binet IQ test given by a psychologist. That's adequate for Mensa, I believe. (Or someone told me) 

    But, I still believed the JW bull crap because I never went to college and never wanted to or learned to use my critical thinking skills on my own beliefs.

  • Barrold Bonds
    Barrold Bonds
    Anyone have that quote wrt dinosaurs and humans living at the same time?
  • undercover

    As far as JWs go, that's about genius level.

    Seriously though, intelligence doesn't mean much when you have a large blind spot of faith interfering with your critical thinking skills.  I've known some really smart, I mean, up there in the brain department smart, JWs that were just as zealous in JWism as the most simple minded, uneducated, and illiterate publisher in the congregation.  On the other hand, I've known average JWs with average intelligence, and little formal education, realize that the WTS was BS, and escaped.  


    LOL!! It's like a wise man said,"Some people are too smart for their own good!"

    Oh wait, that's me that says that!! Maybe I'm too smart for my own good?? Otherwise, I would be a Watchtard "genius!" 


  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    FRIEND:  If it's in the Bible, obviously it's OK.  I have no problem with it.

    Deut. 22: 28,29 A virgin girl is raped. What's the moral thing to do? According to the Bible, the girl is to be sold to her rapist for the price of a slave. Of course, they are automatically married. And of course, women had no rights to divorce the husbands. In this case, the rapist is prohibited from selling this "wife". But of course, he could still "take" other wives.

    The Mosaic Law... great for rapists, not so great for virgin girls.

  • Crazyguy
    Born ins are delusional and ones that join are just plain crazy!!!

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