Gimme something sarcastic I can reply with...

by misspeaches 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • misspeaches

    There is this guy going around another blog area thinking he is the last coca-cola in the desert. Constantly spewing nonsense from his big gob...

    Anyway now he has started up this DID YOU KNOW topic about the church's involvement in America's Government.

    One of his Did you knows is:

    DID YOU KNOW? Every session of Congress begins with a prayer by a paid preacher, whose salary has been paid by the taxpayer since 1777.

    I wanted to write something sarcastic back about making money out of preaching. and something including that scripture where Jesus ripped into those money makers at the front of the temple...

    Can anyone help?

  • the_classicist

    Well, I haven't got anything, but I do think that this:

    There is this guy going around another blog area thinking he is the last coca-cola in the desert.

    is quite a charming expression.

  • misspeaches
    Well, I haven't got anything, but I do think that this:
    There is this guy going around another blog area thinking he is the last coca-cola in the desert.
    is quite a charming expression.

    LOL... I love it... It's one of my favourites!

  • misanthropic

    Miss Peaches, you are so adorable!!

    Hmmmm this fellow sounds like someone I happen to know of, could it be?

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge
    Well, I haven't got anything, but I do think that this:
    There is this guy going around another blog area thinking he is the last coca-cola in the desert.
    is quite a charming expression.

    Ditto! Great expression .... ***note to self... "write that down...the last coca-cola in the desert" Love it ! Sounds like Mr. Know it all is just "cutting and pasteing" his knowledge from the internet. I highlighted his quote and easily found it... why is it any big deal that a paid minister opens up congress? The high courts have already ruled that it doesn't conflict with the church/state issue... it has more to do with "tradition".

  • Dan-O

    Are you in favor of the sanctioned prayer? Or against it? And what is his position?

  • chrissy

    coca cola in the desert..te he.

    sorry peaches, wish i could help. I don't know about that jesus and the money makers bit...the bulk of my biblical knowledge and I parted some time ago.

    As for the prayer in congress, I guess it goes along with the "founding fathers" being christians themselves. I use that term loosely as to not disrespect native americans who's genocide was basically mapped out by the successors of the founding fathers, also known as Lewis and Clark.

  • Satanus

    It would be good to know exactly what does he says that that prayer is supposed to do for congress. For instance, is congress directed by god, or is god attempting and failing to direct them? Or, do they just hope that he will? Perhaps the answers will present some targets for sarcasm.


  • misspeaches

    Misanthropic - Your onto me!!

    Double-Edge - Cool. Maybe I shall write something back to him about how skilled he is at copying and pasting other peoples work

    Dan-O - I don't care either way. I'm just in a mood to antagonise this guy

    Miss Peaches of the I'm in a naughty mood class.

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie
    he has started up this DID YOU KNOW topic about the church's involvement in America's Government.

    Sheesh, misspeaches!!! What planet is this guy from? Every religious movement in the world is interfering/influencing one country's government or another and this is the way it has ALWAYS been on planet Earth. Just tell him his proctologist called and left you a message that they found his head. BTW,

    the last coca-cola in the desert

    is just too, too kewl!!! Frannie

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