by orangefatcat 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • orangefatcat

    Were any of you aware that in the mind of CT Russell, apostates were considered this as stated in the October 1 WT
    1909 .

    " They seem inoculated with madness, Satanic hydrophobia [rabies]. Some of them smite us and then claim that we did the smiting. They are ready to say and write contemptible falsities and to stoop to do meanness."

    What, now, are the fruits of the apostates and their publications? Four things mark their propaganda. (1) Cleverness. Ephesians 4:14 says that they are "cunning in contriving error." (2) Prideful intelligence. (3) Lack of love. (4) Dishonesty in various forms. These are the very ingredients of the food that is on the table of demons, all of which is designed to undermine the faith of Jehovah’s people

    after reading that I had to share it with you as I thought it to be very humorous. What do you think?

  • Scully


    I am offended. I do not have rabies.

    I have aposta-cooties.

  • doofdaddy

    I didn't khow that russell too stifled debate. Thought rutherford started that ploy.

    Wow right from the start.

    Can you catch those cooties online Scully?

  • Scully

    I think you get them the second your brainwashing stops working and you start thinking for yourself again.

  • damselfly

    I also froth at the mouth occasionally.

    Dams ( j/k that would be gross )

  • Honesty

    The vet gives me a rabies shot once every two years.

    What, now, are the fruits of the apostates and their publications? Four things mark their propaganda. (1) Cleverness. Ephesians 4:14 says that they are "cunning in contriving error." (2) Prideful intelligence. (3) Lack of love. (4) Dishonesty in various forms. These are the very ingredients of the food that is on the table of demons, all of which is designed to undermine the faith of Jehovah’s people

    Sounds just like a typical congregation of JW's.

  • sf

    Well, this is me on a good day:

    Imagine how it is when I sniff out a jw on the property.


  • I quit!
    I quit!

    Seems like Russell had his hands full trying to figure out who smite who.

  • MerryMagdalene

    I think it describes the WTBTS very well, especially under Rutherford (and beyond) whose hostile takeover probably had poor Charlie rolling over in his grave


  • katiekitten

    Is Satanic Hydrophobia the latin medical term for rabies then?

    If I tried to bring a kitten back into the UK from Turkey would Customs & Excise tell me they had to quarantine it for 6 months to protect the UK from satanic hydrophobia?

    Maybe I will phone up the local vet and ask them what the signs for SH are? Im sure he will say "Number 1 sign is CLEVERNESS - that slavering dog will complete a Times cryptic crossword qucker than you can leap the garden fence to escape its Prideful intelligence, Lack of love and Dishonesty in various forms".

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