Hi Jim,
I'm glad to hear that the book is coming along.
I would like to indulge in a little role-playing, with your permission. I'll pretend I'm the WTS, and I'll respond to your comment about the Society's Special Representative."
You said,
You see, Mr. SR was involved in all kinds of activity. We knew that his off-shore investment schemes, using funds from retired JWs and those on medical disability, was not in conformance to state securities laws, but we didn't know just how deep and far he went to make money ... come on Watchtower Society, can't you do better than using someone involved with the Mexican Drug Cartel? Holy Jumpin Jehosaphat Batman, you guys up there in Crooklyn are worse than a complete joke.
"The Society" responds
Just as some apostates claim that the FDS could not have been selected by Jay-sus in 1919 simply because so many things taught by the WTS back then were Babylonish error, here you go, criticizing this man on the sole basis of his behavior. Can you read his heart? It is quite likely that he alone used the tetragrammaton in a precisely correct way once, or that he had stunning proofs that 1+1+1 does not equal three. Undoubtedly it is because of some ephemeral, invisible, undetectable finer quality that Jehovah selected this man for His service. For you to condemn him simply because of a repeated pattern of immoral behavior demonstrates that you are a Very Bad Man. So there! Jehovah chooses the crooked things of this world so that His great name may remain above reproach from critics.
Your Brothers in Jehovah's Service,
The Whitewashed Tower Bible & Tract Society