Becoming a woman...

by Rubyvixen 64 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • wanderlustguy

    There was the "Your Youth, getting the best out of it" book, it had a lot of that stuff in it. Looking back the section about "sexual relations" cracks me up.

    Women are untensils in the org, just an extention of a man, no more. Which explains a lot abot my family, how my father and uncle could treat women no better emotionally then they did their livestock.


  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    My favorite quote from one of your links:

    So there is such a thing as homosexuality!

    Whoa! Hold on, my mind is spinning!!!

  • Rubyvixen


    Wait till you get to the part about the reason that masturbation is bad for a young girl! All that nervous energy gone...:D

  • PaulJ

    GGGRRRR i'd love to see this book!!!

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    A Christian girl will learn to resist such familiarities by young men in such a gracious way as not to create offence, but rather an increased respect. You may ask why this responsibility rests more heavily upon a young woman than it does a young man. The fact that a young woman’s physical reflex mechanisms are not so quickly aroused as those of a young man, implies greater self-control on her part, and therefore greater responsibility for maintaining proper standards in her relations with the opposite sex.

    Well that's a relief. Now I know for a certainty that God wants me act like a sex-crazed maniac and it's the woman's responsibility to keep me away graciously without offending me.

  • googlemagoogle

    "your youth: getting the best out of it" that's the title.

    i found this site with some funny comments on it

    quote: The male organ, it says (is there any other kind in the JW world?) "fits naturally" into the "birth canal."

  • PaulJ
    Well that's a relief. Now I know for a certainty that God wants me act like a sex-crazed maniac and it's the woman's responsibility to keep me away graciously without offending me.

    So, in english, this means that as a male you can act like this cos its natural. BUT if the girl lets you, well, she's just pure filth!

    I wish i had known this!!!!

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    So, in english, this means that as a male you can act like this cos its natural. BUT if the girl lets you, well, she's just pure filth!


    Ain't it great to be a man!

  • PaulJ

    fantastic. we pee standing up as well, not to mention avoiding childbirth! I just wish i was equipped with this golden nugget of information in my teens! Pah!

  • Rubyvixen

    It's really no wonder after being fed that sort of rhetoric at an early age that I left the religion and my house at 17...

    I cannot imagine any female actually living like that! and yet, I am sure many lived their lives in such way...yikes.

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