Everything I Ever Needed To Know... I learned at the Kingdom Hall

by POs Son 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • daystar

    The methods you describe are not methods for study, but methods for programming.

    A student doing research actually gathers information from many different sources, some, hopefully, with differing viewpoints on the subject. Blah, blah, blah...

    What I did learn, however, is how to sit still for long periods of time, which helped in learning to meditate. I learned to read at a much earlier age than most due to the WT&A! studies. And I think I (and most of us here) have a more expansive vocabulary than your average person due to the "studies".

  • joelbear

    you simply don't learn from rote repetition.

    there was never any teaching about how to do public speaking at the ministry school, simply a weird grade on how well you did.

    pure mind garbage. hours and hours of wasted time.

  • katiekitten

    When I wrote my dissertation at uny I was emulating the society's style of writing; "an eminent physician stated.." " it has been noted by many that.."

    My mentor was editing all over the place "who wrote??" "many who??" "book reference, page number??" etc etc

    I never had noticed before how VAGUE they are about everything, and how they are so poor at citing full references. There is nothing academic about they way they write, or the way they study.

  • zulukai

    It used to irk me no end that the "studies" at all the meetings were set up so that all a person had to do was regurgitate word for word what was written down in front of you. All we learned were slogans and how to repeat them back as if the predigested pap in front of you was the superior information.

    Saw a Canada filmboard movie once about Eskimos that was a picture perfect depiction in real life how witlesses are given their "food".....an Inuit mother out on an icefloe somewhere in the godforsaken Arctic took a bite of seal meat, chewed it up and transferred it right into her baby's mouth.
    For adults to be "spoonfed" what they are supposed to believe and in turn regurgitate it back to others is just plain icky.

  • kid-A

    The saddest thing was watching people carefully spend hours before the meeting UNDERLINING their canned, regurgitated answers in yellow highlighters....as if these

    pre-constructed answers actually required preparation???? Oi.

  • Daunt

    It is just sad how they underline the paragraphs and it be the whole freakin paragraph. It's so childish and this is all the Watchtower can give em over almost a hundred years of doing it. Just cringe when my mom said that nobody else is teaching people like they are about public speaking and about the world. Just makes me want to slap some sense into them and say, "Have you freakin met the whole world let alone know what colleges teach? If you don't then shut up!"

  • carefully faded
    carefully faded

    I think the reason they have the "spoon-fed" questions and answers is that it keeps people from thinking for themselves.

    Think about it. . . if there were no questions and instead, we had spent the hour discussing the article - people would start to use their own words, putting their own spin on things, giving their opinions, etc. God forbid, someone might even start to question what they were reading.

    With the Q&A format, the "discussion" is all pre-determined and very orderly. Hear this bit of information that we want you to hear . . . now here is the question. . . now read the sentence that answers the question. This keeps them tied to the material and they don't need to think for themselves.

    Granted, you were encouraged to put the material in your own words, but your own words had better reflect the exact message that is in that magazine or book.

    - CF

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