Do you have a 'canned' presentation for when you run into dubs?

by willyloman 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • willyloman

    When you're in the process of fading, especially in the early months, there's this constant fear (or at least uneasiness) that you will run into a JW every time you walk into a supermarket, department store, movie theater, etc. I'm thinking the best way to deal with this concern is to prepare a "presentation" in advance -- a sentence or two, or some talking points, so that when it happens I don't have to wonder what I'm going to say.

    The problem is, I keep changing the message in my head. I've rarely had to use this strategy so far because I almost never bump into anyone from my former congo. But I know I will.

    Have any of you prepared for such a run-in by being ready in advance, knowing what you'd say in a given circumstance? And if so, what's worked for you?

  • RichieRich
    knowing what you'd say in a given circumstance? And if so, what's worked for you?

    lots of cuss words.

    What's worse is having to prepare something to say when you run into active witnesses, and you are with a bunch of worldly people.

    When I was little, I would practice my presentation on my unbelieving father. Do you think we can practice these presentations on the trolls apologists?

  • 95stormfront

    No canned presentation per se'. Usually when I'm approached by them they get the message that I'm no longer one of them two or three sentences within the conversation anyway.

    After the superficial bull$#!t greetings, all they'll usually want to talk about is jehovah this the meeting that. When they do that, if you steer them away from that subject a couple of times without ever going back to it, they usually get the message. And if they don't, I make whatever I'm interested in or doing at the time sound as if it is THE thing to do rather than snoring life away through meetings and service.

    Other than that, I'm usually cordial with them.

  • Honesty

    For the few dubs I have bumped into that do not know I am an ex-JW I have discovered a very effective way to put them at ease about my spiritual condition by sharing the WTBTS/UN affiliation and giving them the phone # for Brooklyn Bethel.

  • blondie

    We have nothing to say at this point. We aren't hoping to "convert" anybody and have not desire to banty words with the mentally challenged elders. (that was mean) We know they do not have our best interests at heart.

    We have caller ID and do not answer any calls from JWs or ones we do not recognize.

    We do not answer the door. We look out and if it is a JW, just go back to what we were doing.

    Haven't had much use for it.

    But we have run into a few JWs unplanned during our excursions.

    We discuss the weather, ordinary things, but if the dreaded word "meeting" comes up, we change the subject and ignore the comment.

    Seems to work and people do still say hi. But we haven't da'd or been df'd.


    Good idea to think what you might say if you plan on saying something. Keep it short though. JWs have short attention spans.

  • Es

    Not that its happen alot to me as i moved out of the territory, but when i have seen them i say hi and chat like there is nothing wrong. Who are they to make me feel inferior. I bumped into a sister one saturday morning and i was like hi how are ya and she commented on how i looked tired and i said yeah it happens when you go out drinking all night hehehehe. Dont let them make you feel your not worth anything act as if nothing is wrong es

  • misspeaches

    On the advice from another poster to me last week, I plan on perfecting the look of being very happy and showing that I feel sorry for them all at the same time.

    This may involve spending some time in front of the mirror.... oh dear...

  • ohiocowboy

    I don't have a "Canned" presentation, but I do have a "Can of Whoop Ass" just waiting to open up on them...

  • willyloman

    Maybe instead of "canned presentation" I should have said stock answer, or pet phrase, or something. I don't mean a long, drawn out "presentation." I just mean, do you ever think about what you might say if you run into one unexpectedly?

    For example: "I understand you are no longer going to meetings?" Is there a well-planned response for that? Or do you just wing it, depending on your mood?

  • Scully

    One of the stock questions that JWs tend to ask to pry into your business when they know you aren't going to meetings or door to door is "How is your spirituality?"

    The best way to stomp that one into the ground is to smile broadly, look them in the eyes and say "It's just GREAT! Never been better! Thanks for asking. Why? Are you feeling a bit discouraged?"

    I love doing that.

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