Bad habits

by Satanus 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • Evanescence
    I get all into something, obsess over it for a while, then find something else different, and start over.

    ROFL! I am like that as well!

    I hate it though, i can't stick to one interest, Like I do swimming for a while then quit, drama for a while then Quit, then I do art, then quit, Now I am doing Guitar and Singing, I hope I won't quit at that as well!

    Mind you i still like the other three, I am just not as obsessive over them, i am starting to get interested In drama again!

    In the way of topics, I used to have an obsession on Volcanoes, when i was 7 I would go to the local libary and read stacks of books on Volcanoes. I forgotten most of the stuff I read though! I even wrote stories on Volcanoes

    Then i was interested in Grim Reapers for some unknown reason! Mainly cause the grim reaper came on the Sims.

    Now my interest is religion, I had other obsessions at times just can't remember them all.

    But I generally study on my interests, like I am on Jehovah's Witnesses, there are no books on them in the library! So I read a book on Cults instead!

    Eversince people call the Jehovah's Witnesses a cult, I must say the book i'm reading also thinks jw's are a cult!

    And of cause Evanescence! I the band and listen to their music all the time.

    Honestly my obsessions really scare my friends sometimes!

    I think I'm really into the supernatural.

    Sonnyboy, OMG I am like that as well! then again i think everyone does that, leave their homewok to the last minute, I'm just so lazy sometimes lol!


  • LittleToe

    I used to be a procrastinator, but now I'm not so proactive about it

    Actually, I found that "to do" lists were the stepping stone to normality, for me. Even if they were just mental ones, they allowed for a lot more clarity of thought. If needs must, put Armageddon at the bottom of the list, with the suspiciaon that you'll never have to tick the box

  • LittleToe

    I used to be a procrastinator, but now I'm not so proactive about it

    Actually, I found that "to do" lists were the stepping stone to normality, for me. Even if they were just mental ones, they allowed for a lot more clarity of thought. If needs must, put Armageddon at the bottom of the list, with the suspicion that you'll never have to tick the box

  • Mary
    Talesin said: She said it had to do with Armageddon, and the fact that as a JW, I was taught that there is no future to prepare for. The early conditioning had impressed on my psyche that nothing in the present mattered, only the hope for Paradise. Also, as JWs, we didn't learn how to make goals, and work towards them. It was all about this week's meetings, FS, etc.

    Oh my god! I never thought of it like that before, but that could certainly explain alot.......I'm bad at procrastination and I'm wondering if psychologically, it's because of the religion and how we were never taught to live for NOW or to plan for the future, because the New System would be here and magically get rid of all our problems..........

    Little Toe said: Actually, I found that "to do" lists were the stepping stone to normality, for me.

    I've discovered this helps me too. If I write everything down, and then stroke each item off the list as I go, I seem to be able to accomplish more.

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