Bad habits

by Satanus 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • luna2

    I'm another procrastinator...although I can't blame it on having been an JW as I had the problem as a child too. I think damselfly described my difficulty....insecurity. I worry that whatever it is I'm avoiding doing won't turn out right even if I work my ass off, so I put it off. Ugh. I hate that I'm this way...and it's gotten worse over the past couple of years. Wish I could figure out how to conquer this problem.

  • daystar

    talesin, on the nose!

    Ok, what else? Hard to keep eye contact with people. Head down when walking.

    Procrastination is a very big one though. Also, tied in, fear of both failure and success, or perhaps just an unconscious disinterest in it.

    It's pretty tough breaking through some of them.

  • defd

    I used to have a real bad habit of swearing, using bad language. I started to study the bible with JW and applying what they taught me from the bible and was able to give it up.

  • Mecurious?

    I have nothing to add, just trying to get my post count up!

  • Satanus


    real bad habit of swearing, using bad language.

    The thing is, what kind of thinking caused you feel in a way to make you do that?


  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    I procrastinate - same reasons as damselfly - I think I'm not good enough etc Also I'm scared I'll probably get it wrong and make myself look even more stupid than I already feel so why bother? I usually have to rehearse any scenario in my head for anything up to a week before I actually do anything.

    I also used to swear - boy I could turn the air blue! I used to work on a factory 'shop floor' where bad language was the norm, so it was a survival tactic really - you had to give as good as you got. I then had to unlearn it when I started working in an office environment where bad language was less acceptable. Still have the occasional slip though...

  • Evanescence
    I used to have a real bad habit of swearing, using bad language. I started to study the bible with JW and applying what they taught me from the bible and was able to give it up.

    My friend has a bad habit of swearing, please tell what helped you stop lol! Heard that studying ona topic, like history or something helps get your mind off evil thoughts, it trians your mind to think normally. don't ask how, it jsut works for some people and they suggested it to me... but why history lol! Maybe bible study helped you get your mind off swearing. Evanescence

  • RichieRich

    i have a really mediocre attention span.

    I get all into something, obsess over it for a while, then find something else different, and start over.

  • stillajwexelder

    I can be intellectually lazy at times and on certain threads not be thorough with proofs and references

  • sonnyboy

    Procrastination is my worst habit. I put absolutely EVERYTHING off until the last minute, and it's almost as if I have no choice. I simply cannot force myself to do anything until it's almost due, such as term papers, paying bills, job hunting, etc. My last three term papers were started 6-9 hours before the classes began, and I somehow aced all of them.

    For me, procrastination is good and bad. It's good in that I'm much better under pressure...I can think more clearly. It's bad in that it puts TONS of stress on the body...rushing and sweating to get something done in time.

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