what are you guilty of?

by kittyeatzjdubs 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • kittyeatzjdubs

    i'm a terrible house keeper. i'll get a hair up my butt every few weeks, but other than that, not much gets done. matt does most of it. although we take turns w/ the dishes. i'm so bad that i don't even clean Bucky's litterbox on a regular basis like i should ...it's been over a week now that i think about it....**sigh** matt said that i make up for it by being so sweet to him.

    i'm going to have to do laundry when i get home...i'm out of clean clothes.

    they'll just sit in the dryer until i wear everything that's in there.

    what are you guilty of?

    luv, jojo

  • FMZ

    I'm terrible with money. I nickle and dime myself to death. I'll make a big purchase when I get my paycheck and promise myself I will budget. Then I buy something for $10 here, a $50 dinner there, and I am in the red before I know it.


  • damselfly

    I hate to clean out the fridge. I started it this morning because nothing else will fit it in now. It's only half done, I got grossed out when I found milk dated best before May 15.


  • doogie
    i'm so bad that i don't even clean Bucky's litterbox on a regular basis like i should ...it's been over a week now that i think about it....

    you've gotta be kiddin me! i used to have to clean the poop box every day when i was a little kid.

    i hope you flush more often.

  • kittyeatzjdubs
    you've gotta be kiddin me! i used to have to clean the poop box every day when i was a little kid.

    i don't mind doing it. i use really good litter so it doesn't even stink...i just forget.

    luv, jojo

  • undercover

    spending too much time here instead of working...

  • confusedjw

    Killing people and eating them.......er........wait........I see we aren't talking about that sort of thing. My bad.

    I like to sample the grapes in the grocery store, even though the sign says "No Sampling" and "No killing and eating people"

  • GetBusyLiving

    Not getting enough sleep during the week..


  • Legolas
    what are you guilty of?

    I wouldn't know where to begin...lmao!!!

  • kls

    Not going gruesome shopping ( grocery shopping ) when i should because i hate going ,and putting it all away ,then they eat it, then all that money goes flush ,then i have to go back again.

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