Poor medical service and other rant-worthy issues

by kwintestal 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • kwintestal

    I'm really pissed off at our medical services in Nova Scotia right now. In Janurary I was in a car accident on my way to work. Someone couldn't see me driving down the road over a 5 foot high snowbank and instead of inching out to see if it was clear, he gunned it into the front of my car. I saw it comming and braced for the impact but with my arms locked against the steering wheel my shoulder jammed into itself damaging what is though to be my rotator cuff. I drive a bus for work, so without shoulder rotation I can't work.

    Well, here in Nova Scotia, we don't pay our doctors too well, so they go where the money is, western Canada or to the US leaving us with long waiting lists to see specialists. My accident was on Jan. 25, 2005 and the initial consultation with the specialist is Jan. 17, 2006. After that I have to wait at least another year for the surgery, then there's a 2 month rehab program to get me back in shape. I'll be off work for almost 2 1/2 years for a simple surgery!

    To cap it off, in Nova Scotia they recently put a cap on pain and suffering settlements from insurance companies for non-permant injuries. For not being able to work, play catch with the kids, and live life without pain for 2 1/2 years, I get $2,500 (plus lost wages). Can you believe that? This doesn't just effect me, my kids and wife are effected by it too. Talk about a farce!

    I'm quite fortunate that I was on my way to work when the accident took place. Worker's Compensation is giving me a pay cheque every two weeks, however it's roughly half of what I was earning because of a payment cap. My employer pays money on every $100 I earn for this insurance, however when I need it they cap how much I can get, despite of how much was payed for the insurance! So, my employer paid the insurance on me earning $52,000, however I can only get insurance for income up to $37,000 a year. Everything over that ... well, too bad. What a rip off! I wish they'd put a cap on my bills!

    Really though, it's a good thing that Mrs. Kwin didn't work previous to this accident. If she had, and if we relied on her income to pay the bills we'd be up the creek without a paddle. She's started working for the first time in a long time to make ends meet, and I'm thankful for her doing this, as well as doing the stuff around the house that I'm physically unable to do.

    Anyway, I'm done ranting for now. It just seems that our whole system sucks and needs an overhaul, but who's going to do it, and where do you start?


  • the_classicist

    Well, the only advice I can give is the next time you're in emergency, tell them you have chest pain (that moves you to the top of the que).

  • damselfly

    It really bites that our waiting times are so long. For free health care in Nova Scotia we are getting what we're paying for aren't we? If you want some contacts for alternate therapies let me know and I'll hook you up.

    Take care


  • kwintestal

    Sweet Damselfly ... I would if it wasn't for the money issue. I couldn't afford the $50 per visit right now.


  • damselfly

    I know an Athletic Therapist who is studying Osteopathy ( 4 year ) who frequently barters the price of her treatment fee.


    ps......if you can get treatment for $50 that is cheap for these parts. Still out of my price range though.

  • kwintestal

    $50 is what my physiotherapist charges, I just thought it would be a standard rate. I guess not though.

    Will your friend take stale Tim Horton's Donuts for services?


  • damselfly

    hhhhmmmmmm stale donuts are probably not going to cut it. Sorry. Even if they do come from Tims.

    If you are willing to try Massage therapy, the two local schools have student clinics for the public. The cost should be ` ~ $25 per hour session. They also both have specilized pain clinics so if your doc will provide a note stating that yes you are in chronic pain the session fee drops to ~ $5-$10 depending on the school. The students are supervised by RMTs with years of experience. And you can request a second year student.


  • kwintestal

    Worker's Comp will cover massage, however the Physiotherapist thinks the massage will be too tough on the shoulder right now.


  • damselfly

    Sorry! I forgot

    On the plus side you have all-you-can-eat stale donuts

    mmmmmmmm cream filled


  • kwintestal

    I can't eat donuts either!!!! I just can't win!


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