When people fall.............

by damselfly 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • damselfly

    do you think it's funny?

    Not when seniors fall or kids or anything but when someone wipes out spectaculary and doesn't hurt themselves do you find it funny?

    Last week my boyfriend was helping his brother build a deck. The brother stepped on an unnailed board, sailed thru the air in slow motion waving his arms and crashed dramatic-like to the ground. Once we realized that he hadn't broken his leg ( although he had a nasty bruise the next day ) we lost it and laughed until tears were rolling down our cheeks. I think it's the slow motion image that does it along with the "aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh" followed by the " uuuuupppmmmmmm" as they hit the ground.

    I'm bad and I'm going to hell for this aren't I? To keep things fair I also giggle uncontrollably whenever I fall as well. Which is often as I'm clumsy and uncoordinated


  • EscapedLifer1

    Man, you sound like my wife. Nothing makes her laugh harder than someone falling down, tripping, running into something, whatever. Especially if its me...


  • ithinkisee

    Heh ... me and a friend were sitting at a traffic light and a guy came riding along in the gutter of the street on his mountain bike and he got to close to the curb and wiped out right in front of us.

    I honked my horn and yelled "Yeah!" And I gave him the thumbs up sign. He smiled and kept on riding. He realized he had given us a great show.


  • JH

    Once my father (65 then) fell in the parking lot of a shoping center, and another man saw him fall, and started laughing and said to him, "I'm sorry that you fell, but i found it funny".

    So, yes, some do find it funny, even for older people.

    I'll find it funny all depending if it's a spectacular fall.

  • kwintestal

    Yes! It's too funny! I have a friend who always does something like that, we like to laugh at her. Oh, wait, that's you Damselfly Just kidding!


  • Elsewhere

    If the person is not hurt, yes I do find it funny.

    Ever notice that when a person falls there is a delay of a few seconds before everyone starts laughing? This is because most people want to make sure the person is ok... then the thrill of the person NOT getting hurt in such a dramatic fall sets in as humor.

  • damselfly

    Once I was ice skating with all the local JW kids when I was still a teenager. We were standing at the edge of the pond with our skates on chatting. All of a sudden my feet fly out from underneath me and I'm smack on my ass on the ice. It hurt like hell but I laughed so hard I had to hobble to the house so that I could go pee. Good thing I had padding back there!


  • kwintestal

    This happened to me a couple of years ago, and I laughed at it after it happened:

    I was putting a freezer out at the road as garbage, and of course, I had to take the lid off of it. So I was unscrewing the arm and I forgot it was spring loaded. Well, as soon as I got the screw out, it popped open and smacked me in the eye. I was glad noone was looking, however, for the next 2 weeks, I had to explain my black eye. Then people laughed.


  • damselfly
    Yes! It's too funny! I have a friend who always does something like that, we like to laugh at her. Oh, wait, that's you Damselfly Just kidding!


    Never mind, it's so true When what-his-name and I left your house ( after I forgot my bag ) I nearly wiped out going down the slope to the parking lot. Damn you flip flops! If there was a shaking fist emoticon I would use it. He didn't notice but I think your neighbours did. I blame dehyradation.


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    OMG No I can't watch those accident clips on America's Funniest Videos. I sit and cringe all the way though the show

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