by Terry 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • the_classicist

    So, will these pankrations be in the nude?

  • Apathy

    Also foul for blatant B.S., such as: we are the most open-minded people ever, except for this, this, that, that other thing, and all else that isn't in our personal bubble?

  • Terry
    Post 1978 of 1978
    since 03-Jan-05

    18 y 7 m 9 d

    So, will these pankrations be in the nude?

    You go first!

  • Blueblades

    Terry, I can't find it just yet , but I believe Farkel put up that challenge a while back on here.

  • the_classicist
    You go first!


    We'll I'm still wearing clothes, but I suppose from a different point of view I *could* be considered naked.

  • tetrapod.sapien


    i'm in, if we can have a evolution vs. creationism/I.D. section too. and a skeptic vs. paranormalist section. edit: and atheist/theist section.

    sweet. official, moderated new-hole tearing.



  • Blueblades

    Hey, you big boys in Brooklyn. You read this board. You know me. I have yet another challenge for you. Debate me. I've made this challenge several times before, but apparently you choose to live in your little rooms and drink your little Scotch ahd pretend that people like me don't exist. But I DO exist.

    You are so fond of your stuff and publish and distribute millions of copies of each of your stuff each year, but can you defend it? I challenge you to defend it. And don't send me some piss-ant loser like "scholar." He's a pathetic joke. Send me a "big boy scholar." hahahahaha! You got any? (sic) If you really have the truth this should be very easy to do. You won't come forward for the very simple reason that your doctrine cannot stand up to a simple-minded scrutiny that I will put to it. You are cowards and losers and are only protected by your decades and decades of lies and coverups.

    You got the big library. You got all the resources. You got a lotta people who run the show. You got the millions of dollars and all the departments which exist because of your hundreds of million dollars you bleed from your true believers. I'm just a little peon loser ex-JW who you just don't want to face. I butcher the English language on purpose just to show you what a peon I am. Of course, HALF of your own Governing Body never graduated from High School (let alone potty training.) And now that they NEED to know potty training, it just "depends" whether they can do it or not. Imagine some Governing Body(tm) member (like Bert Schroeder) deciding on a critical issue that affects dubs around the world and he goes "potty" in his pants. Don't you think that his decision (affecting millions of lost souls who are abject SLAVES to the WTS) just MIGHT be affected if he excuses himself from that weekly Wednesday meeting and changes his soiled clothes? And if he sits there squishing in his own shit, and rules on something, what does that tell you? It tells you he is sitting in his own shit and deciding on new shit that affects 6 MILLION people who don't sit in their own shit deciding what shit to tell others to follow.

    Therefore, I challenge the WTS to send someone (anyone) who knows anything about WT doctrine to debate ME and me only. I wouldn't dare suggest that you also debate AlanF. If you did, you would have to go back to Brooklyn in a body bag with your tongue shoved up your nose and wondering how it got there. Just debate me. I'm just a nice guy who wants some facts and wouldn't hurt a soul.


    IP: SlDG4uDmx6tVo9Je
  • Blueblades

    Terry,The above post is the one I was thinking about.

  • ezekiel3

    How about I play "devil's advocate"?

    I'll go up against Terry one-on-one. I am an active JW right? I will honorably give JW doctrine everything it's got.

    Anyone can PM us but are not allowed to post.


  • jgnat

    Hey, we could have some rip-roaring debates as you described on issues not specifically JW. Ummm, like, creation vs evolution, does evil exist, does God exist, is the bible inspired, the purpose of life, is a Logical Christian an oxymoron, etc, etc, etc.

    You are right, "ganging up" is no way of rounding out an issue. I too would welcome a structured debate.

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