by Terry 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • Terry


    We need a regular debate forum here.

    We need to flood the Internet with challenges to Jehovah's Witnesses to appear here to defend their assertion that they represent the only true religion.

    It is not only a challenge; it is their privilege to defend Jehovah and his Faithful and Discreet Slave against Apostate lies.

    There will be rules and there will only be one to one combat. No ganging up allowed.

    It will be facts against facts and argument against argument.

    May the actual Truth win!

    What say ye?


    The ego of the average male JW is so huge with self-delusion they cannot possibly resist the opportunity to show us how right and clever they are! It is irresistible!

    What say ye?


    The "debates" that flare up from time to time here are hardly measured and balanced with fairness. Hundreds of us can pile on and bully even the most stalward JW into running or resorting to Ad Hominem.

    In a fair arena of combat this would be disallowed. The ideas and the arguments would stand or fall according to their strength.

    A fair fight is hard to run away from and leaves no lame excuse for the loser to hide behind.


    What say ye?

  • Apathy

    I tell ye, Olde English is best left in Olde Englande.

    And that I totally want to do this, because I'm fairly certain that I can run intellectual circles around most of the Jay Dub Elders. And I'd get sick satisfaction from beating people who are older than me over the head with logic. Even though most Dubs wouldn't recognized common sense if it jumped up in down naked in front of them screaming, 'I'M COMMON SENSE YOU MORON!! RECOGNIZE ME!!'

    But uhm.. yeah. xD; Sounds fun. I'm in.

  • ezekiel3

    Bring it on.

    I'll PANK their panties off.

  • Terry

    Punk the Panks!

  • Rod P
    Rod P


    Well, the first problem I see here is the fact that all good and obedient JW's are not supposed to be here, egos notwithstanding. They would be disobeying the instructions of the GB/FDS by doing so. And anyone with a reasonable amount of knowledge of the JW religion with the requisite skills of good communication and debating methods and techniques would most likely be in a position of leadership in the JW ranks. This makes them all the more likely to be obedient tp the instructions to not use the internet for research and discussion about their JW faith on Apostate Websites.

    What say you to that?

    Rod P.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    awwww Terry Really now. That would be such an unfair debate. We all know JWs are not taught how to debate.

    BeliefNet has been doing debates with JWs for a long time now.The results there are pretty much the same as they are here. The JWs blank out when it comes to reading certain arguments. Faced with no answers they provide the straw man arguments they have been taught and then all recite verbatim. It gets really tiring and personally I don't think it helps the JWs out. But I think it can do wonders to help a person who is already on the way out to sharpen their thinking ability

    Belief Net is at http://www.beliefnet.org/boards/discussion_list.asp?boardID=28082 and it seems to be still debating away.

    I miss RedHorseWoman. Glad to see she is still there

  • Terry
    The JWs blank out when it comes to reading certain arguments. Faced with no answers they provide the straw man arguments they have been taught and then all recite verbatim. It gets really tiring and personally I don't think it helps the JWs out. But I think it can do wonders to help a person who is already on the way out to sharpen their thinking ability

    Belief Net

    The bogus responses could go into a Trophy Case to serve as a warning for the other JW's.

    The BLANK OUTS would be a wonderful training mechanism.

    Straw Man arguments can immediately be identified and a FOUL! attached.

    You could specify in advance that only three FOULS are allowed (a foul would be a Logical Fallacy) and then you are declared the official LOSER!

    It would be jolly fun, indeed. Jolly fun!

    PANKRATION! PANKRATION! PANKRATION! (The crowd goes wild).


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    enjoying yourself?

  • stevenyc


    Could we also call foul for repetition of circular arguments? You know - God exists because the bible says so, the bible was inspired by God, ergo, God exists!


  • Terry
    Could we also call foul for repetition of circular arguments? You know - God exists because the bible says so, the bible was inspired by God, ergo, God exists!


    CIRCULAR REASONING is a Logical Fallacy. So, it is a foul.

    Ding ding ding. Three fouls and you are out.

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