I Need Your Support...Pretty Please?

by HadEnuf 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • HadEnuf

    Well...I know I shouldn't take advantage of all my friends here on the forum...but what the heck...I'm going to ask this anyway. I have no shame. My son's band, Tree of Woe, is currently in rotation on WIFC, 95.5 in Wisconsin...with their single "Mushroom Cloud", from their new album of the same name.

    If people call in or e-mail and request this song...then the song will be played more often (naturally) and hopefully will draw in more fans for the bands show and merchandise. You will also be eligible for prizes, I think, in some sort of give-a-way. You can hear the song at www.treeofwoe.com I'd like to know what people think of it. Their album is also for sale now at www.bandmecca.com or on their website.

    You can call toll-free at 1-800-998-WIFC (9432) or e-mail your requests to [email protected] The song is "Mushroom Cloud" by Tree of Woe.

    Thank you for your support. Please do not think me a scumbag for asking people to support the band. I may be an old bag...but I'm not scum.

    Big hug...cathy l.

  • not the administrator
    not the administrator

    it actually a good song. i sent an email and ill send some more later i might even call tonight if i drink enough beer

  • JH

    I love their CD so much, that I'll buy the company

    Rat has his copy of the CD, and recommends it

  • HadEnuf

    Thanks n.t.a. and Mr. Rat...every little bit helps. If they ever hit it big time...I will remember you all and give you back stage passes, front row seats or maybe you can join the band as roadies and such. A girl can dream can't she????

    Thank you for your support.

    Cathy l.

  • MerryMagdalene


    Don't be afraid to ask for what you want...you just might get it. I e-mailed my request to the station just a moment ago.

    But don't be too surprised if I call in a favor soon on behalf of tijkmo and ask you to do the same

    Best wishes to your son and his band.


  • Leolaia

    Interesting that the band bio says that their influence was Days of the New. That was the band I had in mind when I listened to the tracks on the website, tho "Drown" also has a strong A Perfect Circle vibe to it.

  • dedpoet

    I just listened to "Mushroom Cloud", and liked it, I will look out for its UK release.

  • Amazing1914

    Hi Cathy,

    I listened to Mushroom Cloud on the link you provided. I don't know if WIFC reaches the Chicago area, but I will tune in as see if I can get it. Let your son know that his band and music are very talented, and should get a lot of recognition in the music world. Thanks for sharing this, and asking for support. It is our pleasure.

    Jim Whitney

  • HadEnuf
    But don't be too surprised if I call in a favor soon on behalf of tijkmo and ask you to do the same

    Okay Merry...it's a deal! And thanks Leolaia, dedpoet and Amazing for giving it a listen and your nice comments...though they may never "hit it big"...I'm just glad that they've had a chance to write and sing their music...something that would have been impossible it we had stayed in the org.

    cathy l.

  • Bryan

    You got it.


    Have You Seen My Mother

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