Question Two

by jaffacake 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • jaffacake

    Question 2a
    Whose WITNESSES must we be?
    Question 2b Bearing WITNESS to which NAME inspires ALL prophesying? Answers a
    (see Rev 19:10)
    b …………………………………………………………………….
    (see Rev 19:10)

  • kwintestal

    Thanks, I was wondering just the other day about that!


  • Evanescence

    I could never be a Jehovah's Witness... I didn't see the accident. As far as I know, Jehovah didn't hit anybody.

    The Jehovah's witnesses never witnessed Jehovah so how can they be witnesses?


  • trevor
    whose WITNESSES must we be?

    Allegedly, God has demanded that we be his witnesses, “You are my witnesses.” Isaiah 43:10 - But I have not offered myself as a Witness, that I am aware of. If I were to offer myself as a witness on behalf of God there are some things I would need to know:

    Is it humankind that is on trial or God, or the Devil?

    Is God on trial and in need of witnesses for the defence?

    Is God prosecuting and threatening to execute those who take part in the defence of refuse to be involved?

    How can I be a credible witness for God when:

    I have never met him. Never witnessed him in action. Never received a reply from him. Am not an expert witness in any matter relating to God or the spirit world. Am threatened with execution by him if I don’t say what he wants me to, which means I cannot be impartial?

    If what the Bible says is true, then God’s admitted murder of thousands of people, coupled with threats to murder more, and demands for witnesses to testify in his favour on pain of death, would be enough in itself for any reasonable court to find him guilty of corruption and murder. If his ways are so much higher than ours that he is allowed to act in this way and it is not for us to question, then how can we possibly be considered to have any relevance as witnesses?


  • upside/down
    “You are my witnesses.” Isaiah 43:10

    Sorry, but it sounds more like a statement to some ancient Israelians...

    Where's the demand or command? And....Say who? The WTS? ....uh huh...been there done that... I'm pleading the 5th from here on out.

    u/d(of the mythical "Gods" need to speak up...class)

  • trevor

    Your faith is all upside/down and inside/out and you are making a monkey out of this. Please stand in the corner.

    The need for witnesses was repeated throughout the New testament according to the - Very Accurate NWT :

    You will be witnesses of me” -Acts 1:8

    “We are witnesses“- Acts 10:39-

    “We who are now his witnesses” - Cor 15:15

    “We have so great a cloud of witnesses” Heb 12:1

    We can’t plead the 5 th in the UK - But I still refuse to come forward.

  • trevor


    I have just seen this introduction introducing your question one which I missed.

    Apologies for non-JWs & non-Christians, but this is a quiz for my newly baptised JW friends. Any JW guinea pigs willing to try it out before I hand it over?

    Had you started this thread, about question two, with the same comment, I would not have made the post I did. I had no desire to sabotage your quiz. I will stand in the corner with upside/down and let the believers continue with their exams.

  • Leolaia

    Well, the point of moot if Jesus was believed by early Christians to be the Lord (= Yahweh) of the OT.

  • jaffacake

    Trevor, no worries - lol

    “You are my witnesses.” Isaiah 43:10 -

    But the quote you offered was from the OT, and was one addressed to the natural Jews. The New Testament changed everything forever.

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