Another interesting online personality - Nicodemus

by Pathofthorns 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • Pathofthorns

    I've already had the "spiritually weak" allegations for bringing up concerns over 607 and blood among other things. I just brush it off. If they want to label me, that's fine.

    At the same time, they know I can do laps around them. They also have heard me give talks and comments from the heart. They know my words are real and not canned lines from any WT publications.

    Its very hard for them to comprehend a "conscientious" stand. I'm a paradox to them. They seem to think everyone uses these reasons so they can leave to "do thier own thing". With me, they can't see any evidence of this.

    I applaud Friend's comments in the "new JW" thread towards Jane. From what i see, this self-righteous Dub, who is wrapped up in her white pretty world, and who hasn't been in the truth for more than a few years, should just shut her mouth and stop commenting on things she knows nothing about.


  • Zep

    Well,, Path, i dont know squat and i probably should shut me mouth.But i'll say this, Friend use to pi-ss me off when i read his stuff...but now, I think the best hope for the WT is that he or someone like him ends up as the next president!...of the WT that is.

    I thought jane was a joke for a second when she said stuff about the UN surrounding KH with tanks LOL...she is out there!

  • Pathofthorns

    I was thinking the same thing about Friend. If they were smart, the men at the top would be paying attention to input at least from guys like him.

    Maybe he's not always well liked, but its better to be well respected.

    As far as Jane goes, she typifies how ignorant the "new witness" is of anything in even relatively recent history, such as 1975. This isn't entirely her fault, as the Society makes sure people like Jane have the misconceptions they do.

    Not that the accurate information isn't there, its just the only information that she is likely to absorb through passive means is going to only be a half truth of what really happened.

    Because she "heard" someone from Bethel say something, she seems to think that it is from God. With the passing of enough time, and her facing dissappointments herself, she'll ask the questions that trouble us as well.

    Whether she finds the answers as a young lady, or whether she finds them late in life, is in the end up to her.

    Her stubborn nature differs from your [Zep's] "I don't give a flying f***" attitude in that you and everyone here are, or at least were, wise and open minded to consider what was once a "contrary viewpoint."

    This jane must also be a pain in the ass to the local elders. The old school doesn't like women like her bursting on the scene shooting her mouth off to the "men". She's a loose cannon on the net because no one wants to listen to her in real life.


  • Pathofthorns

    And if you though Jane was bad, check out Naomi on 607. Completely ignorant, yet still thinks she can lecture someone, when she hasn't even figured out 587BCE is 20 years later than 607 BCE.

    This is what the organization will be reduced to shortly. This is the loyal witness of the future. What a shame and an embarrassment.



  • Pathofthorns

    Here's a tip on driving your local elders crazy. Tell them things that are going to happen before they do, know more than them without going to the meetings.

    "Hey, just so u know, there's going to be a letter read when the CO comes around about a change from disfellowshipping to disassociating regarding those who take blood"

    "Yeah, i wan't able to make it to the Circuit Assembly, but I caught the program online. Wasn't it great how it highlighted God's organization in these last days? Local needs? Let me guess: meeting attendance, materialism/distractions, spiritual goals?
    I've really got to try to do more, I really haven't been doing enough."

    "Boy, I can't wait to get my Kingdom News #36 to distribute to all my neighbours!! THE NEW MILLENNIUM What does the future hold for you?
    I know, I know, you're in bethel and you don't even know the title... I guess we'll just have to wait and see."


  • Pathofthorns

    interesting realplayer short film courtesy of Randy Watter's post on H20.


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