"One Thing About The Jehovah's Witnesses, They Know How To Party & Drink"..

by minimus 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • katiekitten

    I dont think its that they know how to party, its more that they need a time when they can let out all that pent up repression and frustration. Alcohol is the only way they can figure to be a bit human, only they have no way of controlling it, and they always go too far (which from the outside might pass as having a good party).

    I always hated being at Borg parties (like I got invited to that many!).

    GBL I wouldnt mind cracking a beer with you though .

  • LouBelle

    I know that they drink excessively, I used to throw a number of very successful parties - perhaps cos I actually knew how to have a good time.

    They drink so much 'cos they are too afraid to let it all hang out if they are sober. They need to have something to blame.

  • Crumpet

    KK - you sure know how to party! LOL!

    So haven't you gone on holiday yet?!

  • katiekitten

    Crumpy - Im ON holiday!!!

    Im at my dads house in Miami. Theres a pool outside and sun to die for, and im in here talking to you guys. What a loser I am!

  • minimus

    I was in NYC at this Village place. Where I was sitting, I couldn't see the JWs but the band leader was talking to the Witnesses as if they wetre right in front of the stage. I started eyeing guys and gals to see who looked liked a Bethelite. .......I don't think the comment was just about the drinking. It's the fact that if you let a JW "out" in the "world" to enjoy themselves, they'll do it with most gusto than a "worldly" person.

  • katiekitten

    I dunno about gusto. Id call it frantic uncontrolled desperation. I dont think its pure enjoyment, I think its an emergency release of tension.

  • minimus

    JWs, when they party, don't seem to be desperate at all. They just wanna have "fun" like everyone else. But because they have to watch their backs, they choose places like clubs in the Village to play, where no good respectable JW should be .

  • jeeprube

    It's the only thing a JW can do! Is it any wonder that many who leave turn to alcohol for release?

  • minimus

    ......Most Witnesses that are "in" drink in a way that would displease Jehovah.

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