Positive attitude

by xjwms 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • GoingGoingGone

    Me too, Trevor!

    Liked your post too, Blondie!



  • GentlyFeral

    "Let us try to celebrate and enjoy ourselves – I am really only interested in trying to entice people with all the skills at my disposal to live in that sort of way if they possibly can." – R. D. Laing

    "Losing a battle in the cause of justice is never a loss, for out of the ashes of defeat the shoots of a greater victory are always springing up." – Where I Stand: My Struggle for a Christianity of Integrity, Love and Equality, Rev. John Shelby Spong

    "You may not be able to change the world, but at least you can embarrass the guilty." – Jessica Mitford

    "We have even more freedom than they pretended to give us." – Joel Maurer

    gently feral

  • Country_Woman

    lazy maybe, but:

    there is allways "tomorrow"

  • LouBelle

    Trevor I totally agree with you on ones' attitude. I don't even want to add or say anything else 'cos he's spot on.

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo


    Here's another 'philosophical one:

    'If you are going to lose, you might as well lose good and proper and try to sneak a win.'

    Ted Dexter

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