One of my employees has cancer...from smoking

by wanderlustguy 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • wanderlustguy

    One of the things I can't deal very well with is smoking. I remember telling someone I loved I really wanted them to stop because I didn't want to be the man holding her as she gasped for air dying from the habit. Not 2 minutes after we broke up she was back at it, strangely that hurt me as much as the breakup, thinking of her suffering one day as I had seen others do...all because of cigs...

    One of my technicians came in today that I have been having trouble with, his perfomance had become horrible, and I had intended to let him go. He found out yesterday he has cancer in his throat, no insurance, and about 5 years to live.

    He's 35, just like her.


  • candidlynuts

    thats really sad.. i hope he gets some successful treatment that extend that 5 yrs some!

  • Satanus

    Ouch! That must be putting you in a tricky position, as his employer. 5 yrs on death row isn't fun iether.


  • dorayakii

    I'm sorry to hear the bad news Wander, its a habit i can't stand either... It make your teeth yellow, your breath stink, it diminishes your health, makes you look common, and annoys and even harms people around you... i just dont understand the attraction... I hope he will finally quit this habit and find a way to disprove the doctor's bad prediction...

  • itsallgoodnow

    Oh, that's awful news. And he's only 35? That's pretty unusual. How long had he been smoking?

  • wanderlustguy

    Smoking since he was 15, like a train.

  • JH

    Too bad, 35 is too young to get cancer....

  • Valis

    I feel for him...especially knowing what it is like to not have even if you aren't dying..

  • Mecurious?

    sent you a p.m

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    WLG - Sorry to hear of that situation.

    One of the good things I can attribute to the witness organization in my life is an early on disgust with the habit of smoking. I know now that they created reasons that it was wrong, with the pharmakia connection, but I am glad I never got the habit, or wanted to. I owe them that much.


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