Miss Peaches - The Story (warning its long)

by misspeaches 18 Replies latest jw experiences

  • TheListener

    That was a really moving story Miss Peaches. I admire you for your strength. I'm glad you met someone who helped you stop the party lifestyle. It's also nice to see that your mother recognizes your happiness. It must be frustrating to her (too bad, that just doesn't seem right - mother's should want their children to be happy).

    Good luck with everything you do in the future.

  • dedpoet

    Hi Miss Peaches, that was some story, glad to see you are enjoying the real life now, wishing you a great future

  • misspeaches

    Thanks everyone for your responses. Mum still suffers with emotional issues but as a family we have all learnt how best to help her function normally as much as possible. Recognising triggers learning not to get exasperated easily...
    As for the drugs - well I haven't taken anything in 11 months. And I don't plan to ever return to that lifestyle.
    Corresponding with people who have been through the same anguishes as myself from this board helps a lot.
    I laugh and I grieve and go through a whole range of emotions when I read all of your stories but ultimately it makes me stronger.

    Miss Peaches - Free and enjoying life

  • not the administrator
    not the administrator

    i still like a good roll every once in a while. how could you not like it?

  • stillajwexelder

    Thankyou for sharing

  • misanthropic

    Miss Peaches, reading your story made me so sad because you remind me alot of my older sister who I love very much. I cannot imagine how much hurt you must have inside and I just want you to know that I am glad you are on the forum.

  • misspeaches
    i still like a good roll every once in a while. how could you not like it?

    LOL... I don't need it anymore. I think I was using drugs as a form of escapism. Now I'm ready to embrace life and tackle the hard stuff.

    Miss Peaches, reading your story made me so sad because you remind me alot of my older sister who I love very much. I cannot imagine how much hurt you must have inside and I just want you to know that I am glad you are on the forum.

    I hope your older sister is okay. I feel so bad for anyone who had to go through hurt like that as a child. It breaks my heart. I'm working to help JW kids question their beliefs and do some independent thinking. There are too many stories like mine. Too many victims. I am glad your on the forum too. I know your quite new but I have read many of your posts and enjoy them.

  • ozziepost

    Thanks for sharing. It was well worth the effort!

  • GoingGoingGone

    Miss Peaches -

    So nice to meet you! I also had a rude awakening when I first accessed ex-JW sites. I knew that I didn't believe what the WT taught, but I hadn't dared formulate the thoughts so clearly in my mind.... And I'm so glad you are off the drugs, too! Enjoy life, the ups and the downs, and the freedom to think and do as you please!


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