What's your cell phone plan?

by JH 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • JH

    How much do you pay a month for your cell phone service and how long can you talk?

    I have a Motorola 120c model phone, and with Bell Mobility, I pay 25$ Canadian for a card that lasts up to 2 months or 30 cents per local call a minute or something like 70 cents a long distance call per minute. So, if the card is good for 25$, and I make only local phone calls, I can use it 83 minutes and for long distance phone calls, at 70 cents a minute, I can talk only 35 minutes.

    It's only for emergencies...

  • Jourles

    Ummm.......free and unlimited, including data.

    Jourles, of the *it helps to work for the provider* class

  • littlerockguy

    600 anytime minutes and unlimited N/W and unlimited mobile to mobile for those with the same company and unlimited text messaging- the rate plus all the added hidden costs, taxes and, roadside assistance which has more than paid for itself all for the amazing low price of only $79 a month

  • Preston

    First it was AT&T, then T-Mobile..now Sprint

    VERIZON (in our area at least)....will rip you off. Bruce has them. T hey have the VERY WORST rate plans, their connections drop ALL THE TIME, they provide the worst customer service this side of Pitney-Bowes, and they'll bill ya 'til they kill ya, with two-year contract extenisions whenever you want to add minutes. extra lines on verizon cost $20/month a pop, twice as much as Sprint (and sprint cuts you a free extra line gratis)..

    spread the word kids.

    - Preston

  • FMZ

    Yep, I'm on Sprint... love it. I don't know what I pay for minutes (been ages since I checked), but I pay $15 for unlimited data and pictures. Which comes in real handy for my moblog.

    I agree Pres, Sprint rocks, spread the word.


  • Elsewhere

    Right now I am paying about $50 a month. That includes all taxes and other fees. For that I am getting about 600 minutes and free long-distance and an assortment of other features that one would expect from a cell phone plan.

  • DannyBloem

    I have a nokia 7610. I call for less then 1$ a month, I really do not like cellphones that much

  • confusedjw

    On an old plan. $12.50 per month for 50 minutes - .25 cents per minute after that.

  • the_classicist

    I've got a Samsung x426.

    I really don't know how much time I've got on my account and I'm not the one who pays my bills.

    Although I do know how much it costs: ~$30 total. I *kinow* for sure that I get weekends and evenings free.

    My provider is Rogers Wireless.

  • Jim_TX

    I have a TracFone - one of those 'pay-as-you-go' types.

    I paid something like $40.00 for the actual phone (a Nokia model 5200), and about $150 for a years' 'reservation' of the phone line... the rates vary - the more minutes that you buy at a time - the cheaper it is. This last time, I paid $50.00 for 200 minutes - which got doubled to 400 minutes (because I 'reserved' the lind for a year). That works out to 12.5 cents per minute... I guess that's not too bad.

    If I am out of my 'service' area, then I am considered as 'roaming'.

    I went on travel last week to Phoenix, AZ - and drove back via IH-10. Along the way, I used my phone to call my girl-friend several times during the day. I got popped for 2 units/minute as I was roaming (.25/minute) - but it was worth it - and I got to talk to my sweetie.

    I may get a 'real' phone someday... but for now, this one meets my needs. It gives me a telephone away from the landline, and works pretty well. Service is through AT&T - I have no connection problems... or not any more than T-Mobil (the other provider that we tested on our IH-10 adventure). The only place that I had a problem was in a rest stop just outside of Phoenix - when I had a very weak signal, and the call got dropped.

    The main thing that I like about my choice - is that I have only invested about $230.00 since February 2005... or that works out to about $40.00 per month (taxes included). I can live with that.


    Jim TX

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