anyone got anything exiting to say?

by PaulJ 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • vitty

    Hey Frog,

    Its only 10:30 am here !! Its so wierd that youve already had Friday and mines just beginning

    Tell me did anything exciting happen in the world today LOL

  • Evanescence

    anyone got anything exiting to say?

    Big Kev: I'm EXCITED!!!!!!

    Evanescence *gotta buy Australian brands class *

  • vitty

    Now this is freaky, Ive started the next page again

    Oh im such a child

  • luna2

    YAY, it's Friday!

    Congrats on your promotion, Richie! That was quick!

    Gottcha Paul...makes sense. I was just remembering back to age 28 and thinking that two kids was plenty. LOL Gads, I was just coming into the troof at that age. Blech. So glad you are happy in your new situation.

    What do I have to do today that's exciting? Hrm...not much. Yesterday I got to leave work at 3:00; today its a full ten hours.

  • Crumpet
    Tell me did anything exciting happen in the world today LOL

    Yes! I had the best love-making session of this year between the hours of 1 and 3.30 a.m.!

    Downside - that's probably my lot for the year!

    Richie how come you start a new job and a few weeks in you are already Assistant Manager - I've been here four years and not even a whiff of a payrise!

  • rebel8

    Yeah Richie, inquiring minds wanna know.

    Well onto my non-exciting news. I have the most boring job in the world I think, with almost no work to do each day. This is the first time in history where I've been free of college work or second jobs. The boredom at work and so much free time outside of work was a big adjustment. Almost no structured activities from dawn to dusk.

    Lately I've been pursuing some creative outlets. I finished up a book (not about JWs) and am self-publishing it this wk. Started up my old hobby of pen and ink drawings and am working on a little side business with a web site and listing with online galleries. Hope to get it all up and running before the Christmas shopping season. Ah, well, it's semi-exciting to me at least.

  • Crumpet


    finished up a book (not about JWs) and am self-publishing it this wk.

    that is exciting! what is the book about? How much does it cost to self-publish?

  • rebel8

    It's about dealing with extremely difficult people at work, written from a management and psychological perspective. The cost varies with each publishing service. The one I chose prints books on demand, so there is no up front cost. The down side is there is no profit (and perhaps a loss) if you want to sell on Amazon (which is what I'm doing with my ex-JW books). I'm hoping publishing this one will get me noticed by a real publishing house so I can get a book deal. A dream, I know, but it keeps me busy. (I'm not looking to get noticed for my ex-JW books. I wrote them under a pseudonym and want to keep myself top secret and outta sight.)

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