Yet another "My Story"

by mapleaf18 23 Replies latest jw experiences

  • BeautifulStrange

    Great story Mapleleaf - thanks for sharing

    I recognise so many elements - looking back some of them are pretty funny now tho - i remember one month when my dad was pioneering - i had been sick that morning but of course you had to be dead to skip a meeting or witnessing when i was young so i was still out - anyway we're witnessing to this guy - and he's up on the third floor of a balcony - all of a sudden i know that I'm going to be sick - i try to get my dad's attention but he's in the thick of it with this guy - i keep pestering him - pulling on his arm and manage to get out the words "i'm going to be sick" at which point he shoved his dirty hanky in my mouth - which happened to be the last straw - i yacked up a storm and vomited all over this poor guys front porch and coz it was the third floor it dripped all the way down to the bottom hehehe

    my dad believed me next time i said i was sick

    anyway stories aside - it sounds like you're with a lovely man now and i hope you and your children are very happy


  • I quit!
    I quit!

    Thank you for posting your story. It makes me remember the kids I knew that were being raised in the "truth". I wonder how much baggage they are carrying around with them now.

    By the way I have the whole Black Adder series including "Back and Forth" the lattest one. I love Red Dwarf and Hitchhickers Guide to the Galaxy. I have lots of other British comedies on vhs and dvd.

  • TheListener

    Thank you Mapleleaf. You went through a lot.

    What affects me most is that although you can write the stories down for us to read, you had to live each day, each hour, every minute with the pain, dread, guilt and endless other emotions. I can't imagine how hard it was to confront your mother about not spanking you bare bottom. You're a strong person. Thank you for sharing.

    I really do appreciate your story. It, like the others I've read, helps me maintain my strength and determination to ensure my children don't suffer this way.

  • wanderlustguy

    Thanks for sharing your story, I look forward to reading more.


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