Yet another "My Story"

by mapleaf18 23 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Ellie

    This is the second story today to bring tears to my eyes, those witnesses really have a lot to be sorry for, I just hope that someone out there who is considering treating their kids the same will read this and learn something.

  • diamondblue1974

    Well done for sharing the above with must have taken some really guts.

    Keep positive, your with friends.


  • lilybird

    Hi Maple,,, you had a very troubled childhood but the happy ending is you have found a wonderful new life away from the prisonwalls of the society. My parents were not abusive but my mother struggled with mental illness throughout my childhood and was in hospital for shock treatments several times. It is not easy dealing with a mentally ill mother and then dealing with a tyrannical father..Sometimes a hard life makes us stronger ppl as you seem to have become... Thanks for sharing your story..... there are always lots of people here to listen to you and help you along in your new life...

  • Preston

    Your dad kinda reminded me of Peter Griffen's dad on The Family Guy...particularly the episode where he told an entire audience at an awards dinner that they were on God's bad side...

    - Preston

  • mapleaf18


    p.s. i love are you being served; any black adder fans here?

  • Carol

    Maple, the healing has begun. If the love, caring and humor of this crew can't heal, no one can. Thank you for sharing.

  • stillajwexelder

    Sadly you are not unique - I hear this too often - I really hpe you have an enjoyable life from here on in

  • out of the box
    out of the box


    Please do continue, I want to hear more! Child Abuse is a new term and the law didn't recognize this until recently. Aren't we 'lucky' to be living in a time when 'human rights' are a bit more in the forefront? There is lots to read out there and places on the internet to research to support our personal growth. And this board is a great place to vent and read others' stories to see similar situations. When we are free of the borg we can research anything we want to know about!

    My point is that we DO NOT take ANY BLAME ffor being victims! We were around immature people who could not handle their own lives and didn't know what to DO with us! Children are NOT small adults! They NEED guidance to learn HOW to behave and what to do with their lives to be productive and learn how to stand on their own!

    Bad parents like mine, raised me to obey 'them' and to copy 'them' because I became a sort of slave for them. The manners they beat into, or taught me were personal preference type statements like; 'I hate that, don't do that' or 'shut up' or 'leave me alone'. They brought me up to 'stay out of their way' or to not embarass them. This is such a waste of precious time! Then when my mom grew old, she wondered why I was not a daughter that did things for her or even visit them or better yet, why I wasn't rich and taking care of her! I hoped some day they would finally realize that the world did not revolve around them after all! Oh well, it was a nice thought, huh?

    When I studied for my US citizenship I read the 'Bill of Rights'. This made me have the courage to use the words 'I have the right' for this or that. I will make a statement here that uses these words... By the fact that we were born, we have the God-given right to live and to be here on this earth, and don't let anyone EVER tell you any different! We 'belong' to the family of the human race. Your story motivated me and made me want to stand up and speak up for you and with you! Thank you and please write more!

    out of the box

  • gespro

    Hi Maple

    My heart goes out to you. I can identify with your story. The pain of being a young child subjected to the whims of misled adults...those of us here were born into the WST cult feel your experience.

    I was in group therapy tonight and the doctor said to us, 'Can you imagine what kind of people we would be if we had healthy parenting?' I see some people here who have stopped imagining and started living. I'm working very hard to achieve this. Keep up the good work!


  • PaulJ

    Thanks for sharing it with us Mapleaf....

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