Is it intuition, clairvoyence, or THE DEVIL?

by anewme 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Gretchen956

    Intuition is a very real thing (see I'm not even going to get into the clairvoyence thing because too many people would argue). I know that people tend to think that people who have this ability are either weird or flaky, but thats a judgement based on a belief system. This is especially true among athiests and agnostics for some reason, which I have never figured out. At any rate, the basic message is a good one. Judgement is such a divisive thing. Better to get to know each other and recognize our "alikes" than to look for our differences. Your aunt sounds like an awesome lady!



  • JamesThomas
    I'm just going to love her.

    One of the nice things about no longer being Witness is you are free to love them without having them pee in a cup or caring about what they believe.


  • LongHairGal

    In some ways I could relate to her but I don't believe in reincarnation. I don't know if guardian angels are real or not, so I have no comment on that.

    But if I were her I would keep some observations to myself because some things are just downright creepy. She doesn't have to share them with everybody. However, if I had an overwhelming bad feeling about something I might share it under the right circumstances.

  • riotgirlpeeps
    But if I were her I would keep some observations to myself because some things are just downright creepy. She doesn't have to share them with everybody. However, if I had an overwhelming bad feeling about something I might share it under the right circumstances.

    Actually often people who hold to her belief system or others aren't aware they are making you uncomfortable, I agree with the above statement she doesn't have to share with everyone. My own belief system is a total mix of things drawing from pagan and christian. But part of it is if she made you uncomfortable she may not have been aware it had that effect on you. But don't be afraid either to politely decline further discussion on the topic if it does make you feel ill at ease.

  • Terry

    Intuition: Faculty or ability of the human mind to know or be aware of knowledge that has not been obtained through reasoning, inference, or awareness of currently known facts.

    There is NO SUCH THING.

    People who do not articulate what they observe are often incoherent to themselves about what and why they act; but, this is not knowledge as much as it is a failure to recognize how they go from premise to conclusion.

    As a mild example of this: have you ever driven home and when you got there you don't even remember the actions required in driving? You just drove home and were not ACTIVELY conscious of doing it. That is not intuition; it is INATTENTION.

    Anybody with any experience in life can reason from premise to conclusion. Sometimes they are right and sometimes they are wrong. But, people who are not actively attentive to the ACTUAL PROCESS involved can call it anything they like: magic, intution, esp, horse whispering or dumb luck.

    Religious people filter their thinking to remove doubt. The only look for affirming examples that prove their faith and remove all counter-proofs in dismissing them as unimportant. The same is true of people who believe that god answers their prayers, gives them answers to questions or whatever you want to call it.

    They disconnect cause from effect in their own mind and simply reason in a covert semi-conscious (inattentive to the process self-reflectively) manner and produce an "answer". If the answer proves correct they play it up as proof. If it fails, just like the Governing Body, they dismiss it as a mere nothing.

    Humans do not have instincts per se. They must use their rational minds to think properly.

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie
    My new mother-in-law is a truly lovely person. This woman loves me so much. She and her son, my new husband, have been my only friends for 4 years now. They have showered me with more love than I ever felt from father, mother or siblings.

    I am loathe to treat her like a looney bird. In many ways she is so astute and sharp and on the button about people. I love this woman.

    Show respect and love and appreciation for this person. Sounds like her "differences" are minute in light of what you're receiving from her and her family. Your feelings are based on past WT-BATS teachings. More than likely, she is well aware of how others' view her "differences" in thinkability and trusts yall enough to share her thoughts with yall. Respect that and treasure it. Moms and M-i-L's are not long on this earth.JMO


  • Preston

    Hey all, this is Preston's other half. He asked me to read this post and asked for my opinion..... can you believe it. Anyhow, just to comment on this article. There are many things out in the world and in the spiritual world that we don't always understand or cannot see.

    Intuition is extremely real and I don't really agree with Terry who said it doesn't exits for humans. Ok everyone is inititled to their opinion. However, what about those feelings that you get that you can't quite put your finger on something or something just doesn't feel right though when you go against that usually trouble brews up or something goes very wrong. Thats intuition.

    There is so much to the actual brain that we do not understand as we use about 10% or less. Just as in our Spiritual Self there are many things that we do not understand.

    Angels, spirit guides, higherself, the Divine what ever or however people choose to call it - its there.

    I was just explaining this to Preston a few days ago, just because you can't see it or feel it doesn't mean it isn't there. One has to have faith and just know that what is there is there to help, guide and teach.

    As far as your mother is concerned just love her, accept her as she is, take a step back and try to see beyond the physical after all, we are dealing in a physicalness and are limited in our consciousness. There are so many infinitate possibilities, windows, dimentions and levels of spirituality that we as people need to look at the "impossible" as possible and just another form of reality. Dare to stretch the mind and the spiritual aspectes of ourselves. Its not easy as it does take hard work, an open mind to all possibilities and give it some time.

    Bright Blessings to you all,


  • SixofNine

    :However, what about those feelings that you get that you can't quite put your finger on something or something just doesn't feel right though when you go against that usually trouble brews up or something goes very wrong. Thats intuition.

    I agree with Terry. That isn't "knowledge that has not been obtained through reasoning, inference, or awareness of currently known facts" at all. It is just reasoning, thought, awareness, that is happening in the mind's background, for whatever reason (I speculate that the reason is often a simple lack of confidence in ones *concious* reasoning abilty).

  • talesin
    As a mild example of this: have you ever driven home and when you got there you don't even remember the actions required in driving? You just drove home and were not ACTIVELY conscious of doing it. That is not intuition; it is INATTENTION.

    NO, Terry. It is DISSOCIATION.


  • Alana

    I've read a couple of books by Sylvia Browne. She believes that everyone has a spiritual guide and some of the other things you mentioned. I don't know for sure how I feel about all her beliefs, but there are things that just can't be fully explained. She is considered to be a psychic and I have seen her on TV. Anyway, just thought I'd pass on her name, as that might be something to research to get an idea of where your mother-in-law might be coming from.


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