WT Society's infinite wisdom on Rev. 5:10 (barf alert)

by ithinkisee 14 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • upside/down

    They're obsessed with being rulers...by appointment.

    For a group so opposed to politics and for preaching that "man is not fit to rule man"... they eat that "being princes" shiite right up.

    Who cares...

    How hard would it be to rule "perfect" people....JC supposedly is doing it now....big woop!

    u/d(of the what a bunch of asswipes class)

  • MidwichCuckoo
    The above instance drives home the truth that the Bible cannot be properly translated without knowledge and understanding of the purposes of God.

    Or indeed 'O' level Greek.

    What the GB really need is a 'token' Greek bloke member, just so they appear to know what they're talking about.

  • hmike

    So they like Edgar Goodspeed? I have his translation--I can see why.

  • Faith

    I think I am having a blond infarction trying to understand that. Maybe it is not a bad thing that it doesn't make sense. None of it ever really did. They change the rules of Greek Grammar as it fits the need.

  • peacefulpete

    To be sure the last sentence is cult rhetoric but yet it is true that if we understood the intent of the writer translating would be much easier. Translating is interpreting into another language, and every attempt reflects the views of the translators.

    Even though many transaltions opted for the simplest wording "on" in Rev 5:10, Freddy broke no rules to translate it 'over'. The explanation offered is sound. Note the below nonJW translator's remarks:

    EPI is a preposition that has somewhat different meanings depending upon
    what case it is used with. It basically means "upon" or "onto." With a
    dative it can even mean "on top of (x)" in the sense of "in addition to
    (x)." With a genitive it tends to mean "on," "upon," "over" the area
    coextensive with the noun in the genitive case: "And they will be kings
    upon the surface of the (whole) earth" = "And they will exercise kingship
    over the (whole) earth."

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