Kingdom Melodies - Can they influence people's moods?

by truthseeker 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • truthseeker

    I've recently begun to observe the mood-altering abilities of Kingdom Melodies, when played at meetings and assemblies.

    After hyping up the audience for hours at a convention, a melody like, "We Thank You Jehovah" has the ability to make everyone all fuzzy and happy. Some even have tears in their eyes.

    Before a meeting, a Kingdom Melody is usually played quietly in the background, but it sets the mood.

    The Melody's are part of the culture of Jehovah's Witnesses. People play them in the car, on the audio system at home, and play their instruments in synch with the melody.

    The Kingdom Ministry has often commented on their self-published hymns, how beautiful they are. It is true, that some of the songs can be mood altering (isn't that true of most types of music?), but knowing the JW culture, it seems to be another one of the Sociey's tools to control people by playing on their emotions.

    Can music be used in this way, to sublty control people? Or am I reading too much into this?

    Having read "Captives of a Concept" it just seems to me, that the Kingdom Melodies are just another tool used to subtly influence people.

    Consider the melody, "Life Without End At Last" - not a bad set of lyrics, but when you know that people really do want to see their loved ones again, and you also know the WT has been lying about so many things, the lyrics and music of this song gives the JW's that nice warm feeling, that "this is it, this has to be the truth."

    Isn't it about time they came out with another song book? They've been playing the "same old tune" since 1984.

    1984...uhmmm. interesting. That was the date the new song book was released.

  • ButtLight
    when played at meetings and assemblies.

    Yes, especially when they sing them at the apostocheesefest lol!

  • Ellie

    Well, for me, the first Kingdom melody of the meeting would make me feel sleepy and the last one would make me feel happy, heared outside of the kingdom hall though they just made me feel depressed.

  • Quotes

    I agree. In fact, I was trying to make a point with the Quotes on my "Music" page:

    Watchtower Music Quotes

    *** Watchtower 1983 October 15 pp.10-15 Beware of Music That Debases! ***
    Beware of Music That Debases!


    3 Music undeniably has power. It can reach hearts and stir emotions. So, worldly anthems and marches are used to arouse patriotic fervor. Worldly schools have "fight" songs to inspire athletes. Advertisers use catchy tunes to sell products. Such evidence of music's power should put Christians on guard.


    22 There is a wide variety of Scripturally acceptable and upbuilding music, including delightful Kingdom songs enjoyed by Jehovah's Witnesses worldwide. So we are not missing anything worthwhile by rejecting music that debases.

    So, within the SAME ARTICLE, we learn that music can be (mis-)used by various nefarious groups and organizations, and also that we should listen to Kingdom Melodies. What about the possibility of misuse by the BOrganization, hhhmmm???. I should add this to the "Double Standard" thread.

    ~Quotes, of the "Rolling Stone" class

  • lisaBObeesa

    They make me rather nauseous.

    Does that count as a 'mood?'

    Actually, those songs seem to me to stand out for their absence of mood. No real emotions when you compare them with real religious songs like "Amazing Grace." Kingdom Melodies are so flat. So dull.

    Wait...still thinking here...

    ...actually I think they do inspire a mood. The closest word I can find to describe it is 'patriotism.' They are like singing your boring school song. Dumb song, but it is YOUR school song, so you feel some 'school spirit' when you sing it.

  • truthseeker

    It's funny, when you think about it, the "congregation" only exists in the Kingdom Hall.

    When everyone leaves, you're on your own again. Life gets back to normal. And the Kingdom Melodies end.

    The collective consciousness of the witnesses only begins when you enter the hall, and hear a Kingdom Melody; and it all stops when you get back in your car to go home.

  • truthseeker

    LisaBOBeesa, you're dead right!!!

    Song no 113 - "We're Jehovah's Witnesses"

    We're Jehovah's Witnesses

    we stand out in fearlessness,

    ours is the God of true prophecy.

    What he fortells comes to be."

  • diamondblue1974

    Yeah I can be really happy and cheerful and then hear a kingdom melody and I am then totally pissed off...its as quick as that...almost instantaneous.

    Being serious though for a minute...I do think that this is part of the mind control aspect...when you are relaxed your mind is more susceptable and their music does tend to try and relax you....for me it pisses me off so it didnt matter either way.


  • rebel8

    I believe the literature has come out and said they are using KMs to enhance people's moods and "learning the troof".

  • Dustin

    It definitely helps control the weak minded. They use them to make you feel like you are part of something special, and to make it feel like they care about you. They help to re-establish in your mind that you should have no doubts.

    Fortunately I can see throught the mind control now.

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