remember those stories about demonic possession?

by LuckyNun 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • luna2

    Hey, tabby, you're doing better than me....I still don't want to see that movie. LOL

    Actually, I was never really bothered by demonic fears after joining the Wits. I guess our congregation didn't focus too much on demonized garage sale items because they all enjoyed shopping at them too much.

  • Momofmany

    I was always scared as a kid. Always hearing things in our house, even before mom became a witness. Then she got baptized, she started throwing things away to rid the house of them. When we moved, we did a lot of photos, of the attic, basement, empty rooms, and we saw some faces in the pics. I believe there is something there, I just don't think they are all demons, or evil.

  • tabbycat

    Oh, believe me, I didn't want to watch the Blair Witch Project. I thought it might be a case of self-administered aversion therapy (throwing myself in at the deep end, so to speak). The only really terrifying thing that happened is that lights started flickering and darting around the room I was in (with the curtains closed). Imagine my relief when I realised they were reflected car lights coming in through a gap in the curtains. Phew!

  • jaffacake

    Unlike me, my friend was always very superstitious (as an athiest). Having been brought up a Christian, even though had drifted into agnosticism, I feared nothing. Neither ghosts, demons, bad luck or whatever. I sometimes amused myself by walking under a ladder to see the shock on my friends face.

    Anyway, my friend is now a JW, and I have returned to Christianity, on my own. Neither of us have really changed. His fears and superstitions are as strong as ever but with a slightly different focus, wheras I am still as non superstitious as ever.

    He told me a story of a glass jumping off a table at a recent wedding (demons) and his daughter played a trick on him and his wife by creeping into the house and making noises upstairs. They were terrified of the demons. I could not believe it. How could professed Christians have such fears?

  • ButtLight

    Thats funny! But I feel sorry for you, that is very hot.

  • katiekitten

    Kitty Cat, you are well ahead of me then. I can laugh about it, but I could never watch a film like the Blair Witch Project.

    My partner, who has never been a dub, has a really good understanding of me and he filters my films for me. He knows which scary films I can handle, and which ones I could never watch. My ex husband who was a dub couldnt understand which films scared me and which ones didnt.

  • tijkmo

    i know a family who were having demon troubles and the elders told them to get rid of stuff till the problem went it the family did it alphabetically

    turned out it was the z-bed

    j / k

    or am i??

  • tabbycat

    KatieK, your partner sounds LOVELY! The film filtering is such a little thing, but it is so considerate. Despite the Blair Witch film incident, I still a complete pussy (cat) about 'scary films'. I have to be feeling that it will be cathartic to watch the film (and I'm rarely feeling that brave). I'm actually quite ashamed that these irrational fears are still quite strong at times, and come back now and then with a vengence. What a horrible way to scare kids into 'behaving'...I remember my mum and I 'purging' particular items in the house and having real a phobia about demons - urgh. My dad (who was a rabid atheist) thought we were complete mentalists. I suppose he was right...

  • greendawn

    It's a characteristic of their strange psychology that they fear demonic attack so much it's a symptom of them having some strange sort of deep emotional insecurity, how would jehovah let them be attacked by demons given that they don't invoke them. It's a paranoid irrational phobia.

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