Anything absurd/stupid/silly said in your congregation?

by badboy 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • bennyk

    undercover: and we haven't, have we?!?!

    (so far, so good)

  • fleaman uk
    fleaman uk

    Oh Dear God where to start...the fatwa against watching Lord of the Rings sped up my Elder voiced that personal opinion on the stage..i asked the Guy afterwards whether he had seen Star Wars ..he said yes,i mentioned the force,good and evil etc...his response "ah,but that was sci-fi" and "SW was certificate U"

    Wtf is a film about Wizards,orcs and hobbits when its at home!!

  • Seeker4

    So many dumb ideas and little time...

    An elder telling a brother, during a judical committee for the brother having committed fornication, that all of our wives would look like Playboy Playmates in the New System. This sinning brother had a particularly unattractive wife - in nearly all ways. He still divorced her!

    Really idiotic discussions among young, sincere brothers on whether our farts would stink or we would have BO in the New System. One earnest theory advanced was that once we were all vegetarians we'd have no foul body smells, as that was all caused by eating meat. I guess the Hippie Movement took care of that theory!

    I remember one sincere, new parent couple commenting during the Watchtower study that they didn't let their child watch Sesame Street because of the disco music on the show being such a bad influence on their 3-year-old. WTF

    There was a phrase some of the friends used to use, that the WTS was "a perfect organization made up of imperfect people." I squashed that one rather quickly, thank you. I might have been a believing JW and an elder, but I wasn't a total idiot. Perfect organization, my ass.

    If I think of anymore this evening, I'll pass them on.


  • misspeaches

    We had an elder caution everyone about the occult from the platform. He was telling the congregation how widely spread it is these days. He said that he had looked up the phone book and found WITCHERY and several different meeting places for them listed. Now as an Aussie girl knows - Witchery is in fact a dress/suit shop chain that is spread throughout the country.

    That was just plain silly. A few of us girls had a laugh over his call.

  • loosie

    I know one sister who seriously thinks that all the dead cats and dogs will resurected along with the dead people in the new system.

  • anaperfection

    I was told that the Xmen cartoon and movie was demonized because the characters were mutants. . .that automatically made them demons

  • sixsixsixtynine
    Once they said in the congo that a demon spoke to a medium woman and told her that they (the demons) were trying extra hard to fight against and destroy jw families, and therefore they had to be united under the org to fight off their intention.

    (phone rings)

    "Hello, Watchtower Bible & Tract Society"

    "Hi, I'm a 'spirit medium', and I had an interesting encounter with a demon today that I wanted to pass along to you."

    "Okay, go ahead."

    "Well, basically he told me that he and his mates have been working extra hard to destroy Witness families..."

    "I, see...interesting."

    "Yeah, he said they're waging an all out war, really."

    "Really, an 'all out war' he used those words?"

    "Yes, and he sounded quite serious about the whole matter. Anyway, just wanted to pass that on to you. You know, FWI."

    "Well thank you. We'll get this information out immediately."

    "Okay, good day then."

    "Good day."

  • anaperfection


  • ColdRedRain

    Anything and everything between the opening song to the last "amen".

  • RichieRich

    Tonight for a part on the service meeting, we were supposed to be talking about getting people into the Bible.

    Everyone was supposed to bring along their "A Book For All People Brochure" and we were going to read the back of it.

    An older brother gave the part, and was supposed to say this.


    ba p. 32 What Other Book ***

    ยท contains timeless principles that can help people of all racial, ethnic, and national backgrounds to improve their lot in life?

    but instead, he said

    ....timeless principles that can help all racists, ethnics, and nationals to improve their lot in life?

    I thought I was gonna die.

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