Funny little story to share with my fellow pet lovers…

by jeanniebeanz 19 Replies latest social family

  • kls

    kls - my daughter's kitty catches weasels, he's pretty tough. I would guess he could take on a little monkey meat too.

    Oh sure , i got some relatives he can have

  • mrs rocky2
    mrs rocky2

    Did I mention they were yellow bellied weasels? Kinda pretty, nice soft fur, but mean little guys...kind of like the body of elders that DF'd Rocky.

  • riotgirlpeeps

    Ahhhhh....thanks for sharing.

    I love black kitties too, I have a new kitten in my home which I got about a month ago, he was born in april. Absolutely funny and entertaining, though his second name at the moment is bitey. Him and my puppy keep each other busy.

    Used to have a cat much like dumb dumb called "Ack". He was black and white though, but seriously kitty had no brain left to harm.

  • Thegoodgirl

    Cute picture of the cat with the kid!

    My wonderful cat was rescued last year, so we got him as a half-grown kitten, and he is just the best thing that ever happened to me. He's taught himself to fetch out of despiration. (I'd sit here with my books at my desk. I'd occasionally throw something for him to chase, but I was too lazy to go get it and throw it again, so my cat learned to just bring it back to me!)

  • Eyebrow2

    Sounds like you have a cat with a great personality. I have found cats a lot like get all kinds, some are a blast and others are just snooty hahhh.\

    Since we got our ferret about 12 days ago, my husband has gotten some extra exercise each night playing with the guy. He is so much fun. Even when he is in his cage, the kids will talk to him and play with him. Its almost like have a cross between a good humored cat and spastic dog.

    Dumb Dumb sounds very special...I hope that cat is around for a long time.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Nice story JB - mine are "Stinker" and "Taz". Both rescued in their youth, they now own the home and the occupants.


  • talesin

    Kitty love is the bestest! Dum-Dum sure does have personality, and he sounds very gentle. Cats are quite vocal, especially if you talk to them a lot. Amazing little critters.


    (yr little one is a cutie!)

  • loosie

    What a sweet kitty.

    Black cats seem to be popular on this thread. I have 4 black cats myself.

  • carefully faded
    carefully faded

    Great story JB, and even greater picture! Both of your kids are so cute! I see some brown on his paws and lower region . . . is that just dirt?

    Add me to the black cat club . . . my boy is all black (except for 1 white hair that continually grows back in the same place) and his sister is black and white.

    I don't know what I would do without my furry kids! They're the best.

    - CF

  • Billygoat

    What a sweet story! I love cats with personality. I have two kitties around 8 years old. They are VERY different. My little orange tabby is my "little boy". He will love anything that pets on him, but Momma is his favorite. My little gray tabby is very shy and only likes Daddy and women. She seems to be scared of any other men. She has a purr that will literally wake you up it's so loud.

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